Jillian Michaels

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    Ryan Long

    • 1995 Words
    • 8 Pages

    Ryan Long was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley or “the Valley” which is just outside of the city of Los Angeles. When he was born there was something wrong with his foot, a ‘club foot’ is what the doctor described to his Mother as the condition that he was born with. Long spent the first two years of his life in surgeries and casts with bars bolted to the sides of his legs in order to straighten out his foot and be able to walk correctly. As for Long’s family, he’s the first of 2 children that Donna Long mothered along with his brother, Robert. Robbie and Ryan have different father and Long says that although he has encountered his father, he doesn’t really know his paternal father. Long’s last name was actually Davis at birth. Since Long’s father disappeared and ran away from the responsibility of fatherhood, Long’s mother legally his changed his last name to Long in honor of his grandfather James Daniel Long. Throughout Long’s elementary and teenage years he was prone to athletics and really didn’t care much for behaving himself in class. His mother would describe him has a child that had “too much energy” to sit still in class and be attentive. So, as Long’s mother would put it, “I had to visit with every single teacher to put out the fires from kindergarten all of the way to his senior year in High School”, said Donna Long Although Long’s grandfather passed away over a decade ago, he admires his grandfather and holds his grandfather’s guidance so dear that he…

    • 1995 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    When Satan set’s his eyes upon Adam and Eve, it is doubtful they he knew how easy it would be to corrupt their minds. Eve, in my opinion was probably the easiest to manipulate and that is why Satan was delighted to come upon her first rather than Adam. Eve, is just like any other woman, so it is quite easy to distinguish what one needs to do to get on her good graces. Due to it being Eve, Satan tempted her with his evil offer by using flattery on her. Apparently flattery will get you anywhere.…

    • 779 Words
    • 4 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    But when the door to the hall, into which no sound from the noisy Metropolis could penetrate, closed behind her, the ore voice of the angel of the cathedral struck at her breast like a steel fist, and she stood still, stunned, raising her hands to her head. Why was Saint Michael crying out so angrily and wildly? Why was the roar of Azrael, the angel of Death joining in so alarmingly? She stepped into the street. Darkness, like a thick layer of soot, lay over the town, and only the cathedral…

    • 2359 Words
    • 9 Pages
    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Satan Alternate Ending

    • 571 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Satan laid in the middle of the room on his back, decked in his favorite blessed golden crown, a large gold trimmed cape, and his large diamond encrusted sword pierced through his chest. His majestic black wings had been spread out in the duration of his fight, and one had gotten torn off and thrown across the room, leaving spatters of blackened cursed blood in its path. The other wing was in no better shape, seeing as half of it had been cut off. The agony, the pain that spread throughout the…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    In order for a novel to be considered Gothic literature it has to have certain elements. Milton’s Paradise Lost exudes gothic characteristics. The first is Pandemonium. When Satan and his followers are banished to Hell, together they create Pandemonium. Gothic literature is really all about intense emotion and the confusion between good and evil. Powerful emotion is clearly evident in Paradise Lost as there is a constant grasping or pushing and pulling with good and evil, God and Satan. The…

    • 1014 Words
    • 5 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Samael: A Short Story

    • 1109 Words
    • 5 Pages

    "But how..?" It was a reasonable question, although one Amaimon had not intended to let slip from him, but the words had tumbled out long before he could stop them. Samael had been so strong, so powerful....who or what could have killed him. Lucifer? The two always argued and sure every now and then they had exchanged a few blows, but those were small scuffles and verbal fights....how could it have gotten to the point of murder? And if it had, wouldn't there have been evidence, or even just…

    • 1109 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The devil, Satan, Iblis, is known by many names. In the Christian faith he is called Satan, while in Islam he is referred to in various places as Iblis, or Shaytaan in other places. Satan/Iblis, is mainly first introduced to us in the story of Adam and Eve in both the Christian faith and Islam. He is the first disobeyer to God and thus represents the rebellion against God and the path of the wrongdoers. In Islam, it was mentioned that Iblis is a member of a type of God’s creatures called “Jinn”.…

    • 1672 Words
    • 7 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Free will is an extremely important concept in John Milton’s Paradise Lost that greatly impacts the fateful decision made by Adam and Eve. Many questions are raised in the face of a notion such as free will, which prompt the reader and Milton to understand God’s logic and Adam and Eve’s reasoning for turning their backs on it. God makes his new creations “just and right / sufficient to have stood, though free to fall,” and, therefore, obtain the explicitly stated ability to turn against…

    • 1028 Words
    • 4 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Part of the reason that the Pearl of Great Price is so great at preparing people for making further covenants in the temple is because it talks so much about sacrifice. In this paper, I will show was sacrifice means in the Lord’s eyes and how Adam and Eve’s sacrificial behaviors can be applied to other righteous people in the Pearl of Great Price, as well as present day. I will also show the qualifications and blessings of true sacrifice, as well as Satan’s counterfeits for sacrifice,…

    • 1107 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Once again, Salinger wasn’t oblivious to the meanings behind each character’s name. In fact, symbolism plays a part in the character Sybil Carpenter. “Sybil, bright with innocence but already tarnishing, symbolizes for Seymour the human condition: like the sibyls of old, she is the unconscious oracle through whom the prophecy is revealed, the instrument of truth” (Lane). A sibyl is defined as “a woman in ancient times supposed to utter the oracles and prophecies of a god” (“sibyl”). It is…

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