I attended a Reform Jewish service at Temple Beth Shalom in Vero Beach, Florida on Friday, October 23, 2015 at 7:30pm which is known to the Jews as the Sabbath or Shabbat in Hebrew. I met a fellow student Mitzie Chatram at the Temple approximately fifteen minutes early so that we may introduce ourselves to the Rabbi. From the parking lot I was drawn immediately to Temple’s roof line which was dramatically arched with its highest point in the center and the sides bowed inward. There was beautiful stain glass design of the Menorah just below the arch laminated with a soft glow of the light within. We followed a path to the rear of the building and entered the vestibule and were immediately recognized by the congregation as not belonging to the…
asked for God’s forgiveness on behalf the people of Israel. The destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. drew to an end this tradition and an adaptation of this ritual grew into a service for rabbis along with their congregations within separate…
assumed that my class would be looked at weird and treated funny because we were spectating their Jewish worship. However, after arriving in the sanctuary the people were very friendly and welcoming. Some even came up to us and shook our hands and told us they were glad to have us there. Sally Frank was very helpful and mentioned someone of the holidays we had learned about in class including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover, and Sabbath. The sanctuary was absolutely breathtaking, the stain…
The History of the Synagogue The synagogue has been one of the most important aspects of practicing the Jewish religion. The word synagogue comes from a Greek origin meaning to gather or come together. Prayer can be practiced any day of the week and is usually in small groups. Praying as a single is not common in Judaism but praying with a group of guys or with a group of girls is common. The leader of the prayer at a synagogue is what 's known as the Rabbi. Rabbi’s can also be teachers of the…
The religious site that I visited is called Beth Israel Worship Center, a Messianic Congregation, located at 11 Railroad Ave, Wayne NJ. I attended the 8PM service on Tuesday, September 29th 2015 . This service specifically focused on the Jewish holy day called “Sukkot” also referred to as the Feast of Tabernacles. Sukkot is a Autumn festival celebrated of each year, on the 15th day of Tishri, according to the Hebrew calendar and is commanded Torah and the Old Testament in the Book of…
Shabbat Shalom! This was the introduction that I received when I entered a Jewish synagogue. When entering the synagogue it reminded of entering a typical church, there were pews and at the very front was a large stage. On the stage was a keyboard, a wooden podium with a blue cloth over it. Also there was a wooden ark behind the podium and if you opened up the ark you would see where the Torah was stored. An interesting fact about the placement of the ark is it is facing were Jerusalem is…
A synagogue is a house of Yahweh, a place to feel His presence, worship and joins a community of believers in prayer. Behavior in a synagogue should be appropriately respectful. Since the synagogue is considered a house of Yahweh, it is usually appropriate to wear nice clothes. So, for the Shabbat service, I wore slacks, long sleeve dress shirt, and tie. The outside of the synagogue was modest and beautiful. Upon entering the synagogue, you arrive in a beautifully decorated gathering area. The…
I was allowed to go along with my friend to her meeting she was having at one of the member’s home to have a Jewish service. Jewish history began with Abraham he is considered the father of the family of Jews. Moses was also very important because he gave the Jewish people the Torah. The Torah is the book that the Jewish use like the Christians use the bible. I was able to go before I moved to the Caribbean. The date was October 28. Their church was called Iglesia Mesianica. This day was…
A message of hope, liberation, and inspiration is what comes to mind when reading 121st division of Psalms. This particular Psalm has been a source of inspiration when inspiring worshipers to worship God. It has personal inspired me to look past my hurts, pains, sorrows and situations to toward the source of my hope, God. This particular passage of Psalms reminds me that, the true and living, God never stop caring for or watching over his children. This Psalm, much like the 23rd division of…
Our trip to the Jewish synagogue in Nashville, TN was cultural trip that taught us how the Jewish people lived, the different holidays, the different sects, and the different laws of the church. I learned the Jewish traditions and how the traditions have evolved from America. The lady who spoke to us in the Jewish synagogue was very passionate about her religion. She lives close to the synagogue because of religious purposes. She had strong views and told us about the life of a Jewish. She…