“The Swing” or “The Happy Accidents of The Swing” by Jean-Honore Fragonard is an oil painting made in the 18th century and widely considered one of the definitive master works of the Rococo period and Fragonard’s most recognizable work. Jean-Honore Fragonard set a gold standard for western art and in doing so set a standard that artists would try and top for centuries to come. This is evident in his ability to create colorfully saturated, vibrant, photo-realistic and dream like picture quality mixed with themes of the mundane and pompous, his style has been adored for centuries ever since his paintings were created and are second to none especially when you look at art in the centuries before Fragonard’s lifetime; stale, religious brown-on-yellow…
looked right, and considering Singapore’s year round humidity; if I was going to perspire too much in my clothes. However, when I arrived in New York, getting dressed became a breeze. I noticed that I gravitated towards a standard “uniform” consisting of a T-shirt in white, black, or grey and a pair of jeans. In addition, I also realised that one, people in New York are almost always in black, and two; that no one really cares what you wear, or how you look. My question is what caused this…
Imagine Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake wearing denim head to toe, thriving in a new trend at the American Music Awards. Exactly fifteen years ago these two stepped out in their bold, blue jeans. Denim trends have been altered and portrayed differently for years, yet the popularity and attraction of denim seems to always reappear. Whether celebrities or street style was the source of influence, denim continuously occurs in new and innovative ways. The most common denim trends for fall of…
The evolution of advertising has changed so much since the 1930’s, where clothing was marketed towards ‘everyday’ people. Looking back at the advertising from then, you can clearly tell they were marketed toward hard workers, busy house wives and active children all in one advertisement. Minimal skin was showing and typically the person in the advertisement was hosting a get together or working hard on the family farm. The most important part of advertisements in that era was about…
the middle of the field and finally someone decided to pass me the ball. I was running so fast looking at the soccer ball from an angle. My body was running forward and my head was turned to my left side. I was so excited and nervous at the same time because I was going to reach my goal and prove them wrong. As I was running I was able to hear my feet slamming into the muddy grass. I was about one fourth away from the goal net, but I did not expect what was about to happen. The muddy soccer ball…
As the temperates drop and nights draw in quicker, there's no denying we are transitioning out of Summer. Yet this certainly does not mean it's time to get all gloomy, fashion or otherwise. Instead, it's time to embrace the pleasures and unique colours of Autumn. Your style should combine perfectly with function as you begin to wrap up in layers, coats, and jackets. As always, following AW’16 provides an awesome insight into the fashion world. When it comes to staying stylish this Autumn…
Andy Warhol has said “I want to die with my blue jeans on.”(Brainyquote, n.d.). A lot of people today share Warhol’s affection for jeans. Denim is a staple of the modern wardrobe. It is comfortable, practical, and fashionable. However, jeans weren’t always common and popular. Denim has first been popularly used when designer Levi Strauss figured out a way to make denim affordable in 1936. Since then, denim has been through an interesting revolution. All kinds of people, including cowboys in…
There is nothing I enjoy more in life than opening the double doors to an Urban Outfitters, Rue 21, or H&M and seeing all the clothes sitting promptly in their display cases waiting to be worn by all. I gaily skip through the aisles of the department store looking for the perfect coat, sweater, vest, cardigan, pair of jeans, or joggers to buy. When I finally come across an item that I might be interested in I wait for it to speak to me. It’s as if I am the “Clothes Whisperer”. The item says,…
it like this I guess. I make fun of her sometimes for it because it’s funny, but one thing I think of when someone says her name is her accent. Keelee is a very athletic person. She is in volleyball, color guard, basketball, track, dance and softball. She has tried to push me to do a sport but I’ve kind of just put it to the side. I like to go to her games and cheer her name really loud which makes her want to laugh. Whenever she performs on the field for guard you can see her big smile.…
cracked voice, “Hi my name is Tyrone. I’m 17 years old. I recently moved to Alabama this summer. I really enjoy playing basketball.” Tyrone then sat down. The teacher then suggested, “You should try out for the basketball team!” As Tyrone was doing a class assignment, he got a tap on his left shoulder. A note was addressed to him with a confederate flag placed on the front. When he opened it, in bold black print it said, “WE HATE NIGGERS! YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!” Tyrone’s Jaw dropped. His…