Anxiety is a behavioral response triggered by: stress, fear of outcomes, or apprehension of an imminent event. Symptoms of this response usually include a feeling of nervousness, unease, or worry-some tendencies. Due to the key component of anxiety being stress, there is a state of mental strain among the individuals or organisms enduring this response. In years past, scientists have observed and concluded findings of anxiety-like behaviors in humans and different vertebrae species. For the first time in history, scientists from the University of Bordeaux have found traces of this same behavior in invertebrates. Science Daily has published an article on the twentieth of June in 2014 that is a representation of the actual study. Although it…
This study examined the effects of physical factors on diversity in freshwater environments by observing invertebrate diversity in riffles and pools in a freshwater stream. It was hypothesized that differences in invertebrate diversity between riffles and pools would be due to physical factors in the environment. To test this hypothesis, invertebrates were collected from each environment and classified by their taxa, and Shannon-Simpson indices were produced from these data to analyze the…
Introduction The diversity of arthropods extends beyond the location factor alone as multiple influences such as humidity levels, atmospheric content and other environmental conditions contribute to their widespread assortment. Gaps in diversity indices do not only occur amongst insect populations residing at regionally distinct locations as these influences are also reflected in arthropod communities over small distances. Climatic conditions often lead to insect migrations and extinctions which…
Stream Quality Data Analysis Abstract A Stream Quality Data was collected at Tulip Spring, New Jersey through a macroinvertebrate collection that had been used to identify the quality in which this freshwater animals were living. Collection and preservation of such invertebrates help in the determination of its water quality and capacity to tolerate pollution. Also a biotic index calculation was applied in order for the result of our findings giving a polluted water quality. The streams were…
Microbial associations with marine invertebrates Marine bacteria can have a large impact on other marine organisms throughout their lifecycle. Marine invertebrates may comprise more than 30% of all animal species and are commonly associated with distinct microbial communities (Otero-Gonzáles et al., 2010). Bacteria, archaea and single-celled eukaryotes may act as larval settlement cues, symbionts or pathogens to a range of marine invertebrate phyla. Bacteria quickly colonize available…
Nowadays, most of today’s kids, teens, and even adults are more interested in their electronic devices than actually going outside in search of critters like snails during old times. Most commonly garden snails, which are types of land snails that are recognized in the Helicidae family. Interestingly enough, there is so much to know about these slow creatures, even though they are most often confused as useless slugs by many. Though they might seem something completely different on the outside,…
1.) Vertebrates and invertebrates have eyes that work in different ways. Vertebrates’ eyes work in a way that is similar to how a pre-digital camera works. Vertebrates see by light passing through the outer layers of the eyes such as the cornea and the iris. These outer layers use small muscles in order to focus the light when it hits the retina. The retina then projects the image made from the light. Finally, the retina absorbs the light through opsins which are small proteins located within…
Determining phylogenetic relationships of marine invertebrate and vertebrate using variation in muscle proteins of different genera; Ostreidae , Teuthida, Pectinidae, Nephropidae, Caridea, Brachyura and Oncorhynchus. Introduction The fundamental core of all biology emanates from evolution, as the great evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky once said "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"(1973). Therefore, studying the phylogenetic relationships of different…
Charles Darwin was a great scientist. He was one of the first to propose the theory of evolution.1 He also traveled around the world and learned about types of invertebrates.2 He has also studied medicine and written many books including The Origin of Species.2 These are just a few things about Charles Darwin that he has done in his life Charles Darwin has done a lot for the scientific world. Darwin came from a long line of scientists including his father and grandfather.2 When Darwin was only…
PREHISTORIC CALIFORNIA During the prehistoric periods, California was covered by a warm shallow sea. This sea was mostly inhabited by various marine invertebrates, for instance, corals and brachiopods. Later on especially during the perminian periods, California began to exhibit a variety of habitats. This was characterized by both deep and shallow marine deposits. Swamps and estuaries would also be found in some parts of the land. California could also be described as a region of geologic…