Insect wing

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    Fireflies, lightning bugs, photurinae, all one in the same, all of these names are for one insect; the lovely, summer night firefly that children chase around and put in jars for a little lamp. Owl City’s song “Fireflies” describes the idea of a child’s lifelong dream of catching a jar full of fireflies and having a living nightlight, but as we all know the fireflies that are caught end up dying sooner rather than later. This song tells of how so many people just hurry through life and don't take time to appreciate the earth and what it does for us. People who listen to this song tend to be enlightened of how much the population hustles and bustles through life. Owl City tells this with the lyrics “I'd like to make myself believe/That planet…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Lady Beetles have the power to make peoples’ attitudes change .Seeing a lady beetle can instantly light up a person’s face. But there’s more to lady beetle than beauty. Take the American lady beetle for example. This colorfully designed lady beetle is not only an example of beauty in nature, but it is also necessary part of our ecosystem. To be classified as an insect, a bug must have six legs, antennae, an exoskeleton, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. Some insects have two pairs of wings.…

    • 475 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    The Honeybee (Apis mellifera) is an astounding insect that pollinates on a global scale and thus ensures the prosperity of plant life and animal life alike. However, its baffling how this insect maneuvers its tiny self against earth’s gravity and wind resistance contrary to its considerably small size. The average female Honeybee (pictured above) weighs in at 277 to 290 mg at adult emergence. As their wings are almost paper thin, they still manage to support the bee’s un-aerodynamic anatomy and…

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  • Improved Essays

    Arthropod Groups Essay

    • 1257 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Malacostraca is another major class of Crustacea. The malacostracans are crustaceans with carapaces that extend over the head and thorax; the decapods (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and crayfish) are members of Malacostraca. Cirripedia, sessile marine crustaceans commonly known as barnacles, are an additional class in Crustacea. (Kaesler, 1987a) Class Insecta Insects are terrestrial arthropods that first appeared in the Late Paleozoic. Insect tagmata include an anterior head consisting of multiple…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Spotted Wing Drosophila fly (SWD) is a quickly spreading across the United States of America. As SWD numbers get larger the number of fruit crops gets smaller. Aijun Zhang, a chemist working with the Agriculture Research Service, Invasive Insect Biocontrol, and the Behavior Laboratory in Beltsville Maryland, has found a solution to the SWD problem, Methyl benzoate. Methyl benzoate is emitted by snapdragons and petunias, to attract bees. SWD, unlike bees, is repelled from Methyl benzoate,…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    colorful birds with iridescent feathers. The colors they have are blue, green, yellow, and pink. The name ‘hummingbird’ comes from the fact that their wings flap so fast, that it makes a humming noise. These magnificent birds can fly right, left, up, down, backwards and upside down and they also hover by flapping their wings in a figure eight pattern. The Hummingbirds feet are not used for hopping or walking, but perching. Hummingbirds are basically like bees, going around and sucking the nectar…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Bumblebees Classification

    • 964 Words
    • 4 Pages

    The bumblebee is an insect belonging to the Apidae family, a subcategory branching out from the Anthophila clade. The bumblebee belongs specifically to what is identified as the Bombini tribe of bees, this tribe consists of large apid bees that commonly feed on pollen or nectar. The Bumblebee belongs specifically to the Bombus genus classification. Bumblebees require an ambient amount of flowing plants in their habitat. Flowers play a prominent role in a prosperous bumblebee habitat, this is…

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  • Improved Essays

    Bio Blitz Essay

    • 497 Words
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    On the second day however it was mostly dedicated to the identification of the kingdom of insects that surrounded the freshwater biome. After the morning ablutions, the group was given some education into the proper use of the equipment that was provided in order to begin the Bio Blitz, which was essentially a search and identification program. Within this period of time, the sweeping of both land and airborne insects would be caught and placed into confinement for proper tagging and…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Features Of A Cockroach

    • 1304 Words
    • 6 Pages

    The terminology used to portray insects is like that utilized for different arthropods because of their common developmental history. Three physical highlights isolate insects from different arthropods: they have a body separated into three locales (head, thorax, and mid-region). There is tremendous variety in body structure among insect species. These variety enable insects to involve relatively every environmental specialty on the planet, aside from the profound sea and the Antarctic. Because…

    • 1304 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    Animal Habitat

    • 282 Words
    • 2 Pages

    • Habitat (10 points total): Describe fully where the animal lives. Discuss: o The other plants and animals that live there (5 points) Threadleaf sundew, yellow butterwort, Tracy's Sundew, small butterwort and more. o The type of substrate (the soil, rocks, sand, or water type) (3 points) Its substrate is poor soil and in boggy areas. o The year-round climate (2 points) The Venus flytrap lives in North and South Carolina. • Biology of the Animal (10 points total): Give some background about…

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