stakeholders, such as doctors as health professionals (Jamsosindonesia, 2012; Roszandi, 2013), hospitals as health care facilities (Kistyarini, 2014; Afrianti and Nurbaya,2014), employees who are members of the social security (Andrian, 2010; Kasbi, 2012; Paramita, 2013), and the social security institutions in the pre-SJSN (Nurismarsyah, 2011; Nababan, 2014). In 2010, the Commission IX of House of Representatives of Indonesia invited the three labour union confederations to discuss the BPJS bill. The three labour union confederations namely Confederation of Labour Union Throughout Indonesia (referred as Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia or KSPSI), Confederation of Indonesian Welfare Labour (referred as Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia or KSBSI), and Confederation of Indonesian Labour Union (referred as Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia or KSPI). The invitation aims to ask the opinion of the group of workers since they will be affected by changes in the new system of SJSN. However, the three labour union confederations refused to attend the invitation (Andrian,…
IV. Result and Analysis Politically Connected Firms Based on in-depth research, we managed to identify a list of stocks that have linked to political parties and leadership. Since in the election in 2014 there are two candidates we divided into Political Winning (Ir. Joko Widodo- M. Jusuf Kalla) and Political Lose (Prabowo Subianto - Hatta Rajasa). As a result, there are a total of 54 firms were identified over a test period of the presidential election in 2014 as politically connected.…
national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves" (What Is “Genocide”). This invasion is considered a genocide because it was a mass killing of a specific ethnic group. The Indonesian genocide was an invasion by Indonesia on East Timor. East Timor is a country that was a Portuguese colony up until 1975 when the country gained its independence from Portugal and Indonesian control in the West. Right before the invasion, President Ford was reported to have visited Indonesia,…
Translation means changing the text from source language into Target Language. In Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary accessed from internet on June 12th, 2015, translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language. Larson (1984:3) states that “Translation is transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure”.…
The Song Lyrics of Nidji – Child With MLTR – Sleeping Child The difference component of the song lyrics from foreign singer and indonesian singer. Nidji is indonesian group singer that have a song with english lyrics. The tittle of the nidji song is child. Meanwhile, Michael Learn To The Rock is foreign group singer that have an english song. The title of the song is Sleeping Child. The both of them have meaning about a child. The first, i will to critise about the nidji song. Nidji write an…
Formal language or formality is one of aspect in style. In terms of formality, Dewaele & Heylighen (1999) stated that different situational and personality factors are examined which determine the degree of formality in linguistic expression. The differences in using languages, both formal and informal, is called a difference register (Thornborrow and Wareing, 1998). Cyrstal (1991) defines register as "a variety of language defined according to its use in social situations." So, register is…
A language is one of the many defining aspects of a culture. Language allows for members of a culture to communicate with one another, express ideas, emotion, and most importantly, express who they are as individuals. Certain phrases, or “idioms,” can also be expressed through a culture’s language. These idioms are often unique to a cultural group and can have their own ties to the culture’s history, values, and practices. The remainder of the text will examine the Spanish language, its…
and interpreting information encoded in language form via the medium of print”. Meanwhile, according to (Grabe, 2009) the definition of reading leads into the process itself such as reading is an interactive process which means there is an interaction between reader and writer when reader actively construct the writer’s intention in the text. Nevertheless, (Grabe, 2009) also define reading as a process to learn to make decision about how to react through the text. (Richard & Patricia, 2009)…
Chinese Indonesian, but I began to think as time passes by because of this Belonging module from Indonesian Background Speakers and English as Second Language classes. Is this who I really want to become? Who am I? I don’t feel that being in any of these two cultures really reflect my idea of belonging. Sure, I am living in Indonesia; however, I’ve never felt like I actually owned the pride of being a true Indonesian. I don’t feel like I’ve contributed anything to the country and I didn’t like…
In the Indonesian context, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) or public vocational school is educational system where students are prepared to be able to involve in many aspects of global contention. To fulfil that demand, one of the keys with which students should be equipped is the ability to use English since it is the language used in the global communication. However, as mentioned in Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation (2014 No. 60) the English that should be mastered by SMK students…