Learners take online or written assessments and the results ascertain their levels they are currently working on, furthermore specific diagnostic test homes in on the gaps in their skills. This method is effective and can give providers and tutors a general scale of ability, however one can argue that the results can also be misleading , for example if a learner has rushed or guessed part the assessment then the results would not be true reflection of the learners ability. BKSB is one of these online skills providers, used by many colleges. BKSB cover learner’s initial skills testing in literacy, numeracy and ICT, as well as diagnostic. However it can be argued that whilst convenient, for example, instant results and no marking by tutors and also identifies the specific subject knowledge and gaps , it can miss special needs problems such as…
Justin Madrid English 1301 Scott 1/23/2015 Justin 1 The Importance of Literacy Throughout My Lifetime Have you ever thought about a time that you didn’t need literacy? The answer to that question would obviously have to be no. Literature is basically what defines our existence, without it there would be no writing, no language, and importantly no history. Can you imagine if there was no means of communication, our world as we know would cease to exist and everything would be in complete chaos. 1…
the State of Texas has implemented some form of standardized testing. The theory behind these tests is to monitor the efficacy of teachers and performance of student as well as prepare them for life after graduation. These standardized tests are used for creating marketable young adults. The first of these Standardized tests in Texas was the TABS, Texas Assessment of Basic Skills. The TABS test was utilized from 1984 to 1990. This test was administered to students in grades 1,3,5,7,9. If a…
The purpose of the assessment aligns with the emphasis of the year 7 Science curriculum on inquiry-based teaching and learning. The assessment outcome is the preparation of a clear and concise argument about whether resources should be used more sustainably by referring to and describing scientific evidence to justify claims. Hereby the curriculum strands Science Understanding and Science Inquiry Skills, as well as and the cross-curriculum priority sustainability are addressed. Based around the…
that goal a teacher must understand how to assess the student’s understanding of the material being taught. Many physical education programs only use one form of assessment such as the Presidential Fitness Test, the FitnessGram or a skills test. Each program only tests the physical performance and not cognitive performance as well. Physical Education is more than just doing the physical act because the students must understand the principles behind the act and how it is helping them toward…
The artifact that I have chosen to submit is my running records based on benchmark passages from Reading a-z. These were completed based on three students who I had limited background knowledge on due to the fact that I am not currently working in a school district. The artifact shows the importance of understanding development and individual differences, the importance of using appropriate formal and information assessments that are technically strong and minimize bias and the importance of…
The use of formative assessment in the high school setting is regular practice. Because students are accumulating credits and are required to take multiple state test, it is of extreme importance that they retain information and master concepts. Unlike public schools, where accountability drives testing and assessment, charter schools are not under the same intensive microscope. (Wepner, 2014) I use formative assessment for sole purpose of identifying deficient skills prior to my students…
A. Appreciating & Valuing Diversity After completing this assessment, this assessment showed I scored a perfect 50 out of 50. Regarding my score, I am not shocked and/or surprised by my score, because I believe in order to succeed in the organizational environment; appreciating and valuing the importance of diversity is a necessity. In addition, appreciating and valuing the importance of diversity is also a necessity in today’s society. Moreover, after reviewing the questions and my results of…
understand the reason why we have standards; standards are put in place to ensure that students in every school will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college, career and life (Conley, 2014) . Research suggests that implementing the Common Core State Standards is beneficial, because it will increase academic rigor, increase quality education,…
Beatty, I.D. & Gerace, W.J. (2009) Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment: A Research-Based Pedagogy for Teaching Science with Classroom Response Technology. J Sci Educ Technol 18(146), 146-162. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-008-9140-4 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The information in this article, though written about science education, can be applied to social studies as well. The authors describe "classroom response systems" (CRS), which allow students to input…