Harnessing Hydroelectricity To harness energy from flowing water, the water must be controlled. A large reservoir is created, usually by damming a river to create an artificial lake, or reservoir. Water is channeled through tunnels in the dam. The energy of water flowing through the dam's tunnels causes turbines to turn. The turbines make generators move. Generators are machines that produce electricity. Hydroelectricity relies on water, which is a clean, renewable energy source. A renewable source of energy is one that will not run out. Renewable energy comes from natural sources, like wind, sunlight, rain, tides, and geothermal energy (the heat produced inside the Earth).Non-renewable energy sources include coal, oil, and natural gas. Water is renewable because the water cycle is continually…
Many people say that Renewable, and Alternative energies are going to be the only viable options for energy in the future. Others believe that these new types of fuels will only harm the planet more. This research paper will cover topics such as: what are the different types of Alternative/Renewable energy? What are the pros and cons of the different types of Alternative energy? Is it a long term solution? Geothermal, Hydroelectricity, Solar power, and Wind power are some of the more common…
Hydroelectricity is the utilization of flowing water to create electricity, usually through the use of a dam. Wind energy is classified as the use of wind to turn a turbine blade in order to produce electricity (Ellabban et al., 2014). Among all the renewable energies, hydroelectricity is the most widely used as it makes up 85% of the renewable energy market, has a capacity of 970 GW, and produced 3500 TWh of electricity in 2011. This is due mainly to the fact that hydroelectricity produces the…
large scale with a hydroelectric dam. The dam straddles a river, blocking its progress downstream. Water collects on the upstream side of the dam, making a reservoir. The reservoir becomes battery like, storing energy that is released little by little. To let them know how much it would cost to begin drawing from the resource I would start off by telling them that it is very expensive but it'll be all worth it! Hydroelectricity is produced for an average of 0.85 cents per kilowatt-hour. “This…
In human History the use of water has been used for a thousand years the starting point of creating energy using water has been in progress for centuries from theory to experimentation, and in real life possible applications. It gave birth in modern time as Hydroelectricity a term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. In engineer’s eye’s it is a debatable energy source due to…
way into homes across the area of the wind turbine. These turbines usually take up a large portion of land or sea, but it is not uncommon for farmers with a lot of land to have one. Hydroelectric Dams Hydroelectricity is obtained most efficiently through the use of a dam. These dams are usually built on rivers or lakes where massive amounts of water can flow through them. The way they work is when a control gate is open the water flows through a channel that spins a turbine that is connected to…
ALTERNATE ENERGY GENERATION REPORT: SOLAR, HYDROELECTRICITY, WIND The world is constantly revolving around energy, as the population of the earth grows; the demand for electricity significantly increases as well. As society has evolved, technology has also evolved, becoming more focused on luxurious electronic items while also emphasizing a "greener" earth in the form of alternate energy sources. While these alternate energy sources have some obvious benefits, there are also some significant…
By doing this, the cost of providing hydroelectricity for individuals in Cameroon - who have no energy - will be transferred to the non-profit organizations. The government will then have residents with better healthcare access, eco-friendly energy, and a reduced carbon dioxide footprint. By granting this opportunity to the government of Cameroon, through non-profit organizations, we also establish a reliable relationship with them. In the future, if or when the country of Cameroon decides to…
until the sun is gone. In addition, another form of energy source that produces electricity is water. A renewable energy source that uses the water is hydro-power. Hydro-power means using water to make electricity. Water is the most well-known renewable source in the U.S. today. Hydroelectric power plants use dams or rivers to hold water. Water flows through a little gate that runs through a spinning turbine, activating a generator that accounts for the electricity. A hydroelectric power plant…
produced for an average of 0.85 cents per kilowatt-hour (kwh). This is about 50% the cost of nuclear, 40% the cost of fossil fuel, and 25% the cost of using natural gas,”. If one takes in to consideration that the Hoover Dam produces averagely 4.2 billion kilowatt hours, it acquires a lot of money. More than that though, although it is pricey to construct a hydropower plant, it pays for itself in the long run. Another draw back from having a hydropower plant is “ "Dams hold back silt, debris,…