Martin. They do no poach this text, but rather celebrate it by theorizing and respecting the author. BryndenBFish celebrates the text by theorizing about the different identities of the character Aegon Targaryen with textual evidence and quotes from the author. Markg171 celebrates the text by debunking a popular theory with textual evidence. Thebsofttelevison celebrates the text by inviting discussion with other fans. These fans create new meanings while still respecting the original text, and are therefore not poaching. Their theories are the new meanings they…
In a typical fantasy series, magic plays a huge part in the overall development of the story. Usually the magical beings or creatures are some of the most influential and dangerous characters in the plot. In Lord of the Rings, dwarves and elves assist the humans in defeating the powerful trolls lead by an evil magical floating eye. In the universe of Game of Thrones, there is little magic, only adding to the realism. Most of the characters of Game of Thrones believe that magic has completely…
intelligent, and 'in charge ' persona. It 's not rare to see women having leading roles in musicals on Broadway, or big roles on TV. Typically, the roles we see motivate us, or women feel they can relate. Perfect examples of this 'strong and independent ' persona would be characters seen on TV such as Olivia Pope from ABC Family 's hit show Scandal, and Daenerys Targaryen from HBO 's hit series Game of Thrones. Scandal & Game of Thrones both include characters that exemplify heroic…
Rhaegar’s corpse. “Good night my Silver Prince,” Naela whispered to the corpse. “In the end, you were a selfish mad prick, but I guess I have myself to blame for that. I gave you the wrong book. If Lyanna really has given you a child, then I will make the same mistakes I carelessly made with you. the same goes for Viserys. I intend to make him ‘Aegon the Conqueror’ come again.” In the hours that followed, Naela had cremated all of the corpses and had she had sent away all of her servants,…
tasked with manning, to find what Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, is doing and falls in love with a Wildling girl, Ygritte. His choice of duty over love wins him the position of Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch,although his brother and Ygritte both die without him. It was Ned’s teachings of moral integrity, doing what was right because it is right even though it might make you dangerous enemies, along with his outsider status inforced by Ned’s wife Caitlin, that really made him into…
the big move from New York to Texas. The house we lived in was my childhood home and my husband and I shared it for fifteen years together. This was not going to be an easy task. Our first hurdle was preparing for this huge adventure. Secondly, we needed to drive both cars down. That meant that we would not have the other person to take over driving when our eyelids became as heavy as weights over our eyes. Finally, we would need to settle into this strange new world. My husband’s family…
Growing up in my childhood, I never really made a lot of friends. In my early years of education, I was very sociable, but to my dismay, people just didn’t seem the friendly type. I never really did feel safe in the school district. That being said, there was only one place that I would always go to relax and get the stress of my mind, and that would be my humble abode, my home. Because I walked to school on a regular basis, I always knew where to go, even during the renovations. I mean, I could…
This selection was written to describe the conditions of tenement houses, overcrowded slums that filled New York City during the late 1900’s. The first sentence of this selection states, “The first tenement New York knew bore the mark of Cain from its birth, though a generation passed before the writing was deciphered.” The author means that tenement houses were “cursed,” or were terrible creations from the very beginning, but this was ignored and not tended to for a long time. The owners of…
we arrived to Dayton it was dark. Unfortunately for us, the house were we going was not in the city but the outskirts. Once we showed up at the house, we were both pretty creped out. A really run down house in the woods, on top of a hill, no trespassing signs everywhere, and only one porch light on. It was the kind of light that is plugged in, but hanging by its wires swinging back and forth in the wind. The sunroom on the house was collapsed, only two walls were able to hold the ceiling up. One…
economic supply and demand as well as the seasonal weather. Other jobs that were more skilled, such as bakers and carpenters earned around nine dollars per week. Working in domestic work, as a waiter or bartender, earned them not much more than an unskilled laborer (five dollars per week). Working such low paying jobs made it difficult for immigrants to pay the cost of living and feed their families. This forced immigrants of all ethnic backgrounds to live in tenement houses. These houses…