Horseback riding has been a popular activity for more than two centuries. Horses were mostly used for work early on, but it gradually came to be a fun activity/sport. There are two main styles of riding, Western and English, which have differing histories, tack, and events. The history of the styles of riding has affected how they are experienced today. Western riding originated from the cowboys in the “Wild West.” They used their horses for herding cattle and bringing back any cattle that might have wandered from the herd. The cowboys also took their horses on long trips that could take more than a day, so they learned to pace their horses and rest when their horses were too tired. The cowboys’ clothes were comfortable,…
Tacking up a horse western style can be an intimidating task, especially if you are unfamiliar with horses. However, using a step-by-step approach makes the task less complicated and lessens the chances to make mistakes. Below I will outline the steps I take when tacking up my horse, Rowdy. The first step I take when tacking up my horse is to gather all of my equipment together in one place. The equipment required includes the saddle, the cinch, and a saddle pad. The proper use of these…
professional horse trainers, and the horse training books that are available are to numerous to mention. However, there is some agreement on the basic methods on how to train a horse, and caring for the horse hoof problems that will face anyone who's responsible for the animal. Do you have a foal that will need to be trained for riding? If you are looking for basic information on ways to train a horse after they have been weaned from their mother, then the following tips should be most helpful. …
The Bite Fight One of the craziest sporting events to have ever occurred was what some might call insane, scary, frightening, and shocking. This event that has triggered so many sports fans has made them question the ethics of this sport and of the people involved in it. This iconic moment in sports history shall forever be known as the bite fight. The bite fight was a boxing match in 1997 against Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield. Wayne Martin, was one of the people to have been able to…
How to saddle a horse A lot of the times little girls always want a pony. They seem like such fun when they are only a thought at the back of their mind. They want what they see in the movies. The pretty horses who are always well behaved and simple to work with, but they are far from easy to work with. One of the first things that need to be done, is catch said horse. Sometimes this can be very easy, and sometimes it’s the hardest part of the job. Once the animal is caught take your lead rope…
Someone who is good at riding will seem like he is one with the horse. It looks so easy- all you have to do is just sit there, right? The rider can make the horse do anything that he pleases. All he needs to do is just will the horse to do so. When you are new to riding, there is no hiding your flaws. All of them will come to the surface. The horse will not look bad- he will seem at least five times smarter than you. Who does this stupid person think he is? He thinks he can control a horse…
How to care for a horse: There is more than meets the eye “If you are fearful, a horse will back off. If you are calm and confident, it will come forward. For those who are often flattered or feared, the horse can be a welcome mirror of the best in human nature.” (Balding) The quote above, stated by Clare Balding, showers on us the insight of how powerful a horse can be. If a horse has the capability to show sincerity and remorse for a simple human, then it is only respectful to show the same…
4) List and evaluate alternatives. The alternatives to keeping horses calm without using a lip chain would be to either be more aggressive with the chain under the jaw or above the nose, or to drug them which is not a longer term solution rather and a quick fix at each show. 5) Select the best course of action. The best course of action is to stay with the chain under the jaw or over the nose. It can control a horse to an extent. The horses that need the lip chain will still act up, but they…
Trampled It was a cloudy Saturday morning in May. I was at the barn getting ready to have my horseback riding lesson just like I had done every other Saturday morning for the past eight years. Although this morning was different, instead of riding one of the regular horses, my instructor had me scheduled to ride a thoroughbred named Storm. This horse was still green and had not been fully trained on how to do much except race. Sure enough I got Storm groomed and tacked up despite his constant…
noticeable to the judges. The horse needs to have a flat topline, this means the horse's head and neck to be in a straight line with his back and hips ,so that when he runs he appears balanced and his movements look smooth with his head lowered not generally raised above his shoulder. The next maneuver a rundown takes place when a horse goes in…