The worker arrived at Mrs. Elizondo’s house and proceeded to ring the doorbell. Mrs. Elizondo answer the door and told the worker that Eileen was still in daycare and was heading to pick her up because she though that the worker was going to see Eileen on Thursday. Mrs. Elizondo told the worker that she will pick up Eileen since the worker was at her house. The worker waited until Mrs. Elizondo arrive with Eileen. Mrs. Elizondo walk to the kitchen with Eileen and when Eileen saw the worker she went up to the worker to tell her “Hello” and sat sent to the worker. Mrs. Elizondo was preparing Eileen’s food while the worker asked Eileen how her day was. Eileen responded with good and turn back to the TV. Mrs. Elizondo then serve the food to Eileen and told Eileen to eat slow. The worker then excuse herself to Mrs. Elizondo for sounding different because the worker is sick. Mrs. Elizondo replied with no worries. The worker asked Mrs. Elizondo how their weekend was. Mrs. Elizondo responded that her weekend was good. Mrs. Elizondo told the worker that she wants to cut Eileen’s hair or thin it out because Eileen’s hair is long and thick which is causing Eileen’s hair to get tangle a lot. Mrs. Elizondo asked the worker if she can get NM permission to cut Eileen’s hair. The worker told Mrs. Elizondo that she would called NM to ask permission and once NM gave permission the worker would let Mrs. Elizondo know. The worker asked Mrs. Elizondo if Eileen had any recent incidents either at…
Instructions for Bridling a Horse The purpose of these instructions is to show step-by-step how to bridle a horse. List of Equipment: • Halter • Horse • Bridle- headgear made of straps used to control the horse. • Reins- long, narrow leather straps that are attached to the horse’s bit to guide the horse. • Bit- a piece of metal put into the mouth that is connected to the bridle to assist the rider with communicating with the horse. • Crownpiece- the piece that sits behind the horse’s ears. •…
activities. The Friesian horse is actually a European warmblood. These horses can be found in doing sports like pleasure riding, dressage, and maybe some light farm work. These horses are on of the only European warmbloods that have not been bred to be jumpers. Some people still like to jump these horses on their own, but they are not seen to be used for competition jumping. The horses tend to average the height of fifteen to sixteen hands tall. The Friesian horse is only seen in the color…
In “Stopping by the Woods on a snowy evening”, Robert Frost who is the author, constructs a hidden message of suicide throughout the poem. The narrator of the story takes a stroll through the woods, beside him is his horse and his slay. While he is attracted to the excellence of the forested areas, his horse shakes his harness bells to imply he must go home. The horse makes it known that he has commitments at home but that doesn’t pull him far from the charm of nature. On the other hand, is he…
The role of the horse has changed and evolved a lot over time in many ways. Horses were once only wild animals that live in herds and roam around big, spacious green lands. These animals were once only used for their meat as a source of food and their hides were used for clothing blankets to keep people warm. Horses were later domesticated to be used as transportation and a source of farm labor. Since they were domesticated horses have shown people how smart they are. Horses show an…
Horse racing can seem very glamorous. Some Cups are even celebrated with public holidays. Millions of dollars are spent on the fancy ceremonies, champagne, outfits, and gambling on the outcome of the race. However, not many people realize what goes on behind the scenes. Body Paragraphs- Horse racing is an ancient sport. Archaeological records indicate that horse racing occurred in Ancient Greece, Babylon, Syria, and Egypt. Horse racing was popular enough to be included in Ancient Greek…
the benefits of protecting wild horses as a symbol of the independence of the American West – they must also weigh the costs and other repercussions of such action. Then the public administrators have to make a decision on how to improve the program performance. As a tool to measure costs and benefits of BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program Team C decided to use the following decision-making analytical technique: In our opinion, BLM’s…
H. Lawrence incorporates debt on account of gambling. The novel starts out with a young mother telling her son what luck is. She explained that luck was the ability to be successful or not. This intrigued the child and he decided that he wanted to find luck. He imagined that he was riding off to luck on his rocking horse. Turns out he does. When he rides the horse, the young boy somehow sees the answer to the horse race. This allows him to bid as much as he can, making thousands. However, the…
as the worn leather creaked slightly as I situated myself on Buttons my mare. The leather felt cool to the touch and the warm Colorado sun shone out of a clean slate of blue that brought out the comforting smell of horse and leather. I breathed in deeply and caught the piney scent of the sage brush which quickly turned to dust in my nose as the horses in the corral churned up the dry, dusty dirt of the mountains. I rode past the weathered wooden barn with the rows of stalls on either side. They…
to be feed and some needed to be worked. I grew up always being on the top of a horse. If there was time to rest it was done riding on a horse. It was quit when on the horses no noise except the wind rustling the grass on the mountain top. I was always told if I wanted it I had to work for it. When I was six years old my life became different. My father left to be in the Army and we had to sell all the animals. I had grown up with horse, so not having horse out my front door was a new…