Evidence shows that there may be a small planet, Proxima b, orbiting Proxima Centauri, the Sun’s closest stellar planet and a frequently studied low-mass star. Even though discrepancies may occur in research, the big picture entails that with strict evidence and consistency, we can prove candidate planets and other features. We must have data from many sources that can prove each other consistent in order to make a conclusion on the basis of planets outside of our reach. Proxima b’s key features include a mass of about 1.3 Earth masses, 11.2 day period, and an equilibrium temperature that allows water to be liquid on its surface. Data for this study comes from two radial velocity tools, High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) and Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES); both instruments come from European Southern Observatory (ESO). According to the article Planet Candidate Orbit[s]…
The Kepler Telescope main instrument is a photometer. This instrument measures the brightness of stars within its field of view. Data is then gathered and analyzed to detect any variations or deviations of light which is caused by the transits of plants of host stars. These dips in light help in detecting planets in "Habitable Zones". Gliese-581g The planet Gliese 581g is one of six possible planets in the constellation Libra. This exoplanet was discovered in late September 2010. The main reason…
The answer to that question is not all of them, but is important for an astronomer to study astronomy based on the word of God so that one can know more about the universe and God. Many astronomers have study or try to study the universe, that led to many discoveries about the universe. For example in June 21, 2008 astronomers discovered three super earths, according to answersingenesis.com “this three planets are rocky and each has a mass between two and ten times that of earth. The star they…