These collaborations would set up a long line of movies the two would do together along with his, now ex, wife Helena Bonham Carter. The three would go down as a dream team, with every movie they make being a hit. These movies include The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), Sweeney Todd (2007), Dark Shadows (2012), and many more. Burton and Carter were married in 2001, and several year later had two kids. However, in 2014, the couple split after 13 years of being together (Encyclopedia…
without the men in her life. Ophelia does not have many options as a woman in a patriarchal society, and Helena Bonham Carter’s juxtaposition of Ophelia’s childlike nature with the…
Burton is married to Helena Bonham Carter, who is in many of Timothy's movies. She has been In Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wonderland, Alice through the looking glass, and Corpse Bride to name a few. Burton liked Johnny Depp in the movie 21 jump street, so he asked him to be in his movie Edward Scissorhands. In The movie, Depp played a loving monster.("Tim Burton." A&E Networks Television, 24 Oct. 2016. Web. 27 Jan. 2017.) Depp did such an amazing job, that Timothy asked him to…
his father, Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor and Albert Finney) has told him absurd stories from his life. While Will was enchanted with these stories as a small child, he now holds an extreme amount of resentment towards his father and suspects him of having an affair on his mother. Ed tells many stories of the interesting men that he met in his life and all of his exciting adventures with them. He also tells the story of how he consistently harassed his soon-to-be wife Sandra (Jessica Lange and…
visual components as well as the narrative itself. During an interview with The Guardian, Burton stated that his films are “like his children” (Raphael, 2010). This proves an interesting quote, for in the same interview he also stated “It’s good to scare kids a bit if they can handle it” (Raphael, 2010). Here lies a direct reflection on Burton not only as an auteur, but also as a person, with his films being either original or odd hybrids of well-known stories. One major characteristic that…
I am reliving the days of princesses in fairytale lands. I took my granddaughter to see the movie, Cinderella. Of course, she was absolutely thrilled. I believe this movie served its purpose by providing a glimpse into the fairytale land with Prince Charming, castles, ballroom dances, and magical characters including Fairy God Mother. And let us not forget about the beautiful glass slippers. I was curious about the movie reviews as I am considering a purchase of the DVD. By reviewing these…
demeanor. Tennant's out bursts were loud, abundant and filled with meaning that left Hamlet proud of his own skills in deception. Hamlet's relationship with Queen Gertrude was played on in both movies, but one more heavily then the other. In Zeffrelli's interpretation it is impossible not to know that Hamlet and his mother have more than the average mother/son relationship; in Doran's it's a little easier to miss, just coy glances and innuendos between the two. Ophelia's character also differed…
problem. Majority before this attempted to help him but all failed until his wife meets an unorthodox speech therapist Lionel, who is willing to solve their problem. All this determination has been seen throughout the film along with the relationships that formed. Colin Firth did an excellent job in portraying King George VI’s character to perfection. The facial expressions he showed indicated to the audience that he may actually be someone that stammers in real life. He was acknowledged for…
The movie Corpse Bride is a very charming yet macabre movie of how a shy, stumbling young man accidently marries a deceased bride. This movie is done by stop motion, yet is still very elegantly. With the grim aesthetic of the Victorian era, the living world is shown to be dull, gray, and practically lifeless while the Land of the Dead is full of color, and lively characters. The detail of every character and object is rich with also a grand orchestra, soft piano and jazz numbers to company. The…
Jean-Michel Basquiat was a Brooklyn born self taught artist. His first attention attracted his graffiti in the city of New York. Basquiat’s artistic talents and inspiration came from his cultural heritage as his mother being Puerto Rican and father a Haitian American. After quitting high school a year before his graduation and years of struggling his work finally got him fame. Receiving fame for his words, stick figures, and animals, the public adored all of his hard work. Basquiat began street…