Prosthetic Heart Valves for Pediatric Patients Madeline Setear, Biomedical Engineering, University of Rhode Island BME 181 First Presentation, March 6th, 2017 Abstract— Heart valve failure makes up a significant portion of Cardiovascular diseases. Heart valves fail when they are damaged and deteriorating or when they have congenital deformities. Heart valve replacement methods have improved greatly in the past decade. Currently, Mechanical and Biological Heart valve prosthesis exist but both shortcomings for pediatric patients. I. Introduction C ardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of human mortality worldwide. Degenerating of the fibrosa layer compromises healthy valve function. Heart valves include the aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid and mitral valves. The fibrosa layer lies above the spongiosa and ventricularis layers, and is composed of valvular interstital cells and collagen fibers. The inner fibrosa layer is where pathophysiologic changes occur. These changes result in valvular dysfunction [3]. Congenital deformities in valves of pediatric patients require a very small prosthetic valve. The valves required are not currently available. Another requirement for pediatric patients is that the valve must grow as they grow. Mechanical heart valve prosthesis is formed from the combination of pyrolytic…
Mechanical heart valves provide their greatest benefit by replacing a fatigued natural valve with a prosthesis that was specifically engineered for the variety of patients who experience heart valve disease, thus relieving the patient of most associated conditions and improving their quality of life. However, throughout the last half century there have been many cases of structural failure and induced conditions such as thrombosis due to the materials used in these devices. Through the many case…
Mechanical Heart valves are designed to mimic natural heart valves as closely as possible. The valve is implanted in the heart of the patient where the damaged heart valve was removed. Artificial heart valves allows for correct blood flow through the heart by opening and closing with each heartbeat (St Jude Medical, n.d.). The Medtronic mechanical heart valve contains two leaflets (Medtronic, 2011). The pressure in the heart causes the leaflets to open and close, allowing blood flow in only…
Every year, thousands people get heart valve replacements. There are multiple options for replacement valves that can be generalized as either mechanical or biological. One of the mechanical options from the 1970s and 1980s was the Bjork-Shiley valve, which became infamous because of the controversy surrounding its stress fracture failures. These failures resulted the death of about 400 people, causing the valve to be taken off the market. The decisions made leading to this issue must be…
The Edwards SAPIEN heart valve is a collapsible aortic heart valve that can be introduced into the body via a catheter-based delivery system. The valve is designed to replace a patient’s diseased aortic valve without traditional open-heart surgery and while the heart continues to beat. The valve can be implanted in patients using the fransfemoral technique meaning delivered thorough the femoral artery or trans-apical technique meaning delivered via a small incision between the ribs. Prior to…
Carpentier Edwards Magna Ease Aortic Heart Valve Chelsea Gibbs University of Utah Statement of Purpose: This report will look at the biomaterials used in the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna Ease Aortic Heart Valve (CEPME) (Edwards Lifesciences LLC, Irvine, CA) and some of the biocompatibility issues found with this device. The CEPME bioprosthesis is designed to replace a diseased aortic heart valve that is no longer functioning properly and the tissue cannot be repaired. This device is also…
I did know that heart valves could get effected however I did not know the full details of the infection. The ability of ordinary bacteria to enter the blood stream and find its way into the heart where it attaches to imperfections in the heart and then begins to multiply. The bacteria can come from something as simple as bacteria in our mouth that is transferred into the blood stream from chewing or flossing. Intravenous drug users can get the disease from injecting bacteria directly into the…
The Electrocuted Man One stormy night, as I was out walking just outside of Lime Spring, Iowa, lightning began flashing every second across the sky. The wind developed a creepy whistle to it. Whoooo! Whooo! While I walked across the bridge over the Upper Iowa River, the water started to rise. Higher and higher every second. Soon the water was over the bridge. I started to run full sprint, so I wouldn’t get caught in the rushing water. As I was running, I came to a halt. The rain was still…
labquest and set up for new data collection. Rubber stopper assembly obtained and connected to plastic tubing and valves. Connector attached at free end of tubing to the gas pressure sensor with a clockwise turn. Two-way valve left open. Rubber-stopper assembly inserted tightly into the 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Closed the two way valve so it was perpendicular with valve stem. Mode changed to selected events on labquest. Graph settings changed to display pressure vs. temperature graph,…
Would you believe that in most first time cases of home roofing repair, the leak is actually made worse? Or worse yet, in a good many cases, the attempt to repair one leak only leads to the creation of even more leaks? So read on and learn a few tips from the pros, on how you can get it right the first time. Water Can Travel Under a Roof Leak The very first thing you have to do if you have water dripping down through your ceiling, is determine where the leak is coming from. You see once water…