requirement, in the genre of dystopian science fiction in video games many gamers know and love today.(DOOM, 1993) Franchises that followed in DOOM’s footsteps include the Half Life series, which follows a scientist named Gordon Freeman as he fights to save the world even after the destruction of an entire city.(Half Life) (Half Life 2: Episode 1) Common motifs found in this popular genre are one man to defeat all, revolution and revival, and unexpected events each form…
Collectively the pennies represent a radioactive sample, and each penny is an atom. Because each penny has a 50% chance of decaying it can represent a radioactive atom. When the atoms are grouped together it becomes a sample of a radioactive element. For the simulation to work one has to assume that a coin toss has a 50% chance of landing on heads and a 50% chance of landing on tails. If this is not true then the trial will not be a true half-life because more or less than half of the atoms…
started with 40 M&M’s, it took 6 seconds to completely decay, and when we started with 30 M&M’s, it took 4 seconds to completely decay, but when we started with 20 M&M’s, it took 6 seconds to completely decay. When we started with 10 M&M’s, it took a mere 3 seconds to fully decay.The starting amount of M&Ms of 40 took longer to completely decay than it took for the M&Ms with a starting amount of 30 to completely decay, and the total amount of time it took for the initial mass of 30 M&Ms to…
Change is a normal part of life, everything from the biggest whale to the smallest bacteria goes through change. Scientists have to update information every time change occurs. This makes adjustments very common in modern life. Information changes in a short time and greatly affects society, but how? These three articles, The Half-Life of Facts, The Food Pyramid and Why It Changed, and The Explosion in What We Know About Life Forms, are the prime explanations about these advancements.…
that videogame will be reenacted in reality; not just in virtual reality. This will be a précising matter for society because videogames revolve around concepts of war, gangs, abuse of illegal substances, brutality, etc. if kids are not properly taught that the ideas and concepts of a violent videogame should not be learned then the effects can lead to a devastating catastrophe. Although that would be an extreme case scenario it is a possibility. Many mass shootings have linked the perpetrator…
Video games, first introduced to the world in the 1950s very quickly spread throughout the United States and the world as a hobby, pastime, and career for many people. People of all different walks of life fell in love with the escape presented by video games and sparked the creation of a new industry with the sole purpose of entertaining anybody with the money to afford the systems that could play games. Since the humble beginnings of video games with 8-bit graphics and sounds on small…
dilly-daddling on one of these games. For those who want a legitimate definition, describes a video game as “any of various interactive games played using a specialized electronic gaming device or a computer or mobile device and a television or other display screen, along with a means to control graphic images”, but I’m sure you guys get the point Being the type of person who loves video games today, I did not have that many options as a kid. Hell, I upgraded from a dial-up…
As humans mature throughout life, they slowly acquire knowledge and experience. Just like humans, video games provide the same effect as gaining experiences through living, but in a far advanced world. In addition these precious moments are ones that cannot or is difficult to replicate in real life. The chances of being the coach of the New England Patriots are one in a billion, but with the help of video games, anyone can coach an all-star team. A common misconception of video games is its…
For as long as I can remember I have always loved video games and wanted to be a part of their creation. They have helped me get through some tough areas of my life and I surely would like to contribute to the happiness that they spread among people. As I scanned across the many jobs available in the video game industry, I specifically found one job description that seemed to capture my skillset perfectly. Today I will be investigating the job of ‘Video Game Producer’, researching the daily…
creative, and fun games for people of all ages. Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, whether it be jumping on mushroom monsters, or beating the life out of demons from the Underworld, there’s a good chance one of these companies has made a game out of it. But as the already vast game library grows, many parents are left pondering what games their children should play, and if simulated violence is healthy for the growing minds of their children. And after the most recent case of Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook…