The Great Seal of the United States of America is a symbol of what our nation was founded on. There is great meaning and symbolism in the design that I have always wanted to learn more about it. On July 4, 1776, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams were charged to form a committee to design the Great Seal for the newly established United States of America. These were after all three founding fathers, surely they would be able to come up with a seal that would capture the essence of our nation. Pierre Eugène Du Simitière was chosen to assist the founding fathers in transforming their visions into the seal. Creating seals wasn’t new to Du Simitière, he has a background in heraldry and designed the state seals for Delaware and…
He points out flaws and fictional parts of the movie. ‘The Shooter’, however have some things to say to the report, he said “The actors playing Seal Team 6, the special missions unit that staged the raid on Bin Laden’s compound, talked too much. No one would ever yell “Breacher” when calling for someone to blow down a door.” He also pointed out that instead of yelling they would use hand signals like when you wanted a breach you would put you fist up to your helmet. He also said “When the…
The occupation of becoming a navy seal fits my skills and interests because I have always loved the military ever since I was born, and it has always been in my blood to be able to react under high stress situations. This is a job that I would be good at because I have always been a marksman, and I am always been a team player. Some one once told me tat Navy Seals are a very unique breed because they look for things that are more than strength and weapon accuracy. They look at things that would…
War has always been a part of our country. We are the country that we are today because of the American Revolution, which was a very important war. Many of the amazing people that have become famous and well known nation wide have been war heroes. These war heroes are not only great on the battlefield, but off it as well. Chris Kyle portraits greatness and who was one of America's most lethal snipers, he is no different from any of the past war heroes throughout history. On the battlefield, he…
the rescue mission all of the actions that the Seals showed was a sign of brotherhood for each other. The Navy Seals involved in Operation Redwing showed acts of heroism, bravery, and courage in their sacrifice for their country. The personnel of Operation Redwing consisted of high military officers in the United States Navy Seals. Petty Officer Marcus Luttrell, Lieutenant Michael Murphy, Petty Officer Danny Dietz, and Petty Officer Matt Axelson were part of a four man elite SEAL team searching…
The movie Lone Survivor is a portrayal of a mission four Navy SEALs were sent on after the Taliban leader, Ahmad Shah had over twenty United States Marines killed. The Navy SEALs were sent in to perform a counter-insurgent mission. The four-man Navy SEAL team was sent into a mountainous region of Afghanistan know as the Hindu Kush region. While hiking through the mountains, the team stumbles upon young goat herders. This occurrence leads to a debate on whether or not they should kill the herders…
in different ways. Chris Kyle was a Navy SEAL, known for being one of the most successful snipers in American history. His drive to help out others, the critical eye he had, and his love for the United States made him successful in his career as a sniper. In 2013, Chris Kyle was tragically killed in a shooting accident. It is important that current and future generations hear his story to understand what made him so successful in his craft. He may not be here anymore, but his story and legacy…
this monumental task. No Easy Day, by Mark Owen, offers a first hand account of the raid, but the book is so much more than that. No Easy Day is both a gripping first hand account of the raid and a somber personal narrative of the life of a Navy SEAL. The author, writing under the pseudonym Mark Owen -- his real name is Matt Bissonette -- served as a Navy SEAL for 10 years and participated in the fateful raid that killed Osama Bin Laden (Bissonette). No Easy Day is more than a good read. It is…
in the world, the United States Navy SEALs are “never out of the fight” (Luttrell 18). Marcus Luttrell, former Navy SEAL, describes his fight for his and his buddies’ lives in his eyewitness account of Operation Redwing in Lone Survivor. This heroic narrative, meant for those interested in the cold-hearted truths of war and a testament to survival, expose just that. Luttrell includes the last words he ever heard from his friends and other details of death to get to his main subject. The only man…
by Clint Eastwood and wrote bye Jason Hall and based on the autobiography by Chris Kyle. American sniper is a heartfelt film that depicts his life as a navy seal. With an inspirational storyline of what he went through to become a navy seal and the hardships he endured with himself and with his family while he was at war. Clint Eastwood does an extraordinary job at directing and honoring Chris Kyle and his family. I will talk about Chris Kyle, Clint Eastwood and Bradley Coopers methods to ensure…