One felt that now something extraordinary must happen – at the very least the sky must fall” Scientists are Concerned. You should be as well. In addition to creating the awe-inspiring aurorae, solar activity can have detrimental effects on Earth as well (P. Brekke 2011). Violent events that occur on the Sun’s surface can trigger a wide variety of solar activities including geomagnetic storms (highly energetic solar winds) and solar flares. The effect from such events is called space weather. The term space weather is used to describe all the conditions in the space environment that can affect the function and reliability of space-borne technologies and possibly even endanger human life. Therefore, similar to how weather-forecasting is done on Earth, the same is being done in outer space. It is important for scientists to study space weather because it can affect the thousands of satellites that are orbiting in space. Modern society relies on satellites for mapping, navigation, communication and surveillance; therefore, loss of satellite signals can have negative consequences. For example, geomagnetic storms can affect navigation systems and radio communication on passenger planes in certain areas such as in the polar regions or over oceans. Everything Aurorae on Other Planets Aurorae are not unique to just Earth; in fact, they can be seen on several other planets within our Solar System, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. These gaseous giants all possess an…
They began to learn that aurora’s go along with magnetic 'storms ' and an unsettled magnetosphere (Odenwald). Scientists discovered that the Auroras are made from the flow of the charged particles that were entering the atmosphere. They as well came to the discover that the auroras came and went with the sunspot cycle. By the 20th century, scientists made Aurora’s in their private labs in order to get an understanding of how the auroras work and how they come about. Once television and the…
When the northern lights come out, it sometimes appears as if the sky is on fire. There is an eerie connection between the Sun and our planet’s atmosphere that can sometimes cause the sky to unexpectedly glow with shades of red, yellow, purple and green; an atmospheric phenomenon called the northern lights or Aurora Borealis. The Sun is constantly spraying the solar system with millions of tons of charged particles each minute. The stream of charged particles from the Sun, or solar wind,…
Why are storms so dangerous and damaging? There are many storms out there that are bad, like hurricanes, thunder storms and tornadoes. They all can be damage, hurricanes can flood a town in seconds. A thunderstorm can ruin electricity with the lighting, and tornadoes and destroy your home in seconds. Tornadoes can be the worst in many ways, with there strong winds, how big they are and how they can pop up so fast. The reason or part of the reason they can be so dangerous is because of the shape.…
The Hurricane: A Destructive Path People are fascinated with bad weather, more specifically, hurricanes. More often than not, a hurricane will be mentioned on a news station on how destructive the storm was. Magazines and tabloids will interview the victims who lost their homes and loved ones. It is no secret that natural disasters will make headline news. It is highly crucial that people learn about the causes and effects of a hurricane so that scientists can find ways to quickly restore…
not seem like such a big deal. Natural and human events happen all of the time. Horrible storms ruin homes, kill innocent people, and separate families. Human events such as acts of terrorism kill many people and terrify many more. These events, especially human events, increase more and more as time goes on. Events like these are extremely horrible and gruesome, but they do not prevent most people from becoming an independent and responsible member of the society. For some, yes this can…
deteriorates. The aftermath of a hurricane creates many changes to the land, these alterations, for many circumstances create an everlasting distress to that soil. Close to 90 percent of the city of New Orleans was flooded, some parts of the city under 20 feet of water, this brought concerns of West Nile, mold, and high endotoxin levels (Frank, 2015). Not to mention the permanent transformations a hurricane can have on forests and green spaces. The storm not only destroyed homes, businesses,…
horizontal photos of a flooding that took place years ago. Some of the pictures fade into black and white as they show power lines, houses, and cars underwater. All of the pictures show that the flooding has been going on for a while on their island, and the audience can see this is not a new problem. The black and white vision of the pictures depict the olden days of this taking place through the photographs. It is an important scene because it gives the audience a more in-depth visual of the…
The loud crashing and booming, the flashes of lightening and torrential downpours. She did not like thunderstorms, they scared her immensely. Her parents would try to sooth her with “everything is okay” “it is just a noise”, but she felt the unease of her parents, and was sure there was something to fear. At night, she would run into their room quite as a mouse, after a long debate with her stuffed animal friends in her room as to which she would take with her and if everyone was sure there was…
In our reality, storms are violent, turbulent and windy collections of forceful power. In writing, they are a strong and substantial metaphor for a feeling or situation with all the destructing and dominant force of a storm. In Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” there are many different aspects of stormy weather packed into the novel, each one specifically expressing something explicit to its subject. These stormy metaphors and similes show that Dostoevsky shows the somber chaotic…