The 1599 Geneva Bible was printed in London by Christopher Barker and deputies. It was not the first nor definitive edition, with 140 versions produced between 1560 and 1644. This attests to the text’s popularity amidst a fraught political and religious situation in the early modern period. Its publication has direct ties to Protestantism, particularly due to its creation by protestant Marian exiles. The text was published in England only following Archbishop Parker’s 1575 death, and then was an object of contestation for King James I during his reign. This was due to its anti-Catholic sentiments, and annotations concerning limits to monarchic power. Additionally the text’s presentation leans towards Protestantism with its focus on interpretation…
Geneva Convention Iraq Reevaluating the Geneva Convention The Geneva Convention originated in the year 1864, designing the main principals of the committee, and only 16 states were represented. That was only the first successful conference as the quickly gained reorganization. They hosted many well-known conferences like the convention in 1907, which talked about adapting the principles of the convention on the wounded and sick, and the convention of 1929 that discussed the rights of prisoners…
Western world created numerous significant treaties and agreements including the Treaty of Versailles, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and The Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, otherwise known as the Geneva Protocol. However, the Geneva Protocol is one of the most comprehensive and arguably successful agreements to come from the time period despite being short in comparison to similar documents. The…
Mondelez International Incorporated (MDLZ) Q: What does Mondelez International do? A: Mondelez International, Inc., through its subsidiaries, manufactures and markets snack food and beverage products worldwide. The company offers biscuits, including cookies, crackers, and salted snacks; chocolates, and gums and candies; powdered beverages and coffee; and cheese and grocery products. Its primary brand portfolio includes LU, Nabisco and Oreo biscuits; Cadbury, Cadbury Dairy Milk, and Milka…
This battle was witnessed by a young Swedish businessman by the name of Henri Dunant who then organized people from nearby villages to come bring food, water and other supplies to help the wounded and sick soldiers. This gave Dunant the idea of having trained non-combat volunteers to give aid to wounded from both sides. This then sparked a movement in which the Public Welfare Association in Geneva, for a five-man committee that Dunant and Gustave Moynier, the president of the association and…
Geneva conventions were a series of international treaties that ended, between 1864 and 1949 in Geneva, to make the results of war for soldiers and civilians better. German and Japanese Prisoner of War Camps are covered by the Geneva Conventions. The Geneva Convention was a treaty that only concerned wounded soldiers but eventually included others stuck in war who weren’t physically fighting in the war. The German and Japanese War Camps have a lot of similarities and differences. The Third…
Jean Jacques Rousseau was born on June 28th, 1712, to Isaac Rousseau and Suzanne Bernard in Geneva, Switzerland. He grew up mainly with his father, as his only brother had run away while he was still a child, and his mother passed away days after his birth. From an early age his father educated him with ancient Greek and Roman literature. After years passed, Isaac had an argument with a French captain and had to flee Geneva permanently at the risk of imprisonment. At that point Rousseau went…
Following the Battle of Diem Bien Phu the Geneva Peace Accords were signed in 1954 and were considered a temporary resolution to conflict in Indochina. The agreement played a pivotal role in the development of both South and North Vietnam until 1964, creating instability in both regions. Politically, of one of the key elements of the peace agreement was the division of Vietnam along the 17th parallel. The division played a significant role in the social development of the North and the South.…
Geneva Smitherman has a lot of ideas; some of which I don’t agree with and others which I really don’t agree with. Geneva makes a clear and straightforward argument that black dialects –or any non-white dialects for that matter– of English are being marginalized. That much I agree with. She wishes to see an integration of Black English into the classroom and a removal of the “standard” English. That much I do not. It is easy to make broad declarations of how things down here should work from her…
The Geneva Protocol (Articles 2) dealt with the arbitral procedure and provided for the procedure, including the constitution of the Arbitration Tribunal, to be governed by the will of the parties and by the law of the country in whose territory the arbitration takes places. The Geneva protocol required each contracting state to .undertake to ensure the execution by its authorities and its accordance with the .provisions of its national laws of arbitral awards made in its own territory two…