General Electric Company is the world’s global digital industrial company that introduces software-defined machines to create solutions in the industry1. They have been a Fortune 500 company for 21 years2. GE is listed on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) in the United States, and many others for non-U.S. exchanges3. Over the years they have broadened their technologies and services into eight different industrial operating segments and one financial services operating segment4. Industrial operating segments include: power, energy management, transportation, renewable energy, aviation, appliances and lighting, oil and gas, and healthcare. Capital is the one financial services operating segment5. GE currently serves customers in 180 countries, and employs around 333,000 people worldwide6. Of those 333,000 people, 125,000 are employed in the United States, and 208,000…
General Electric is an industrial multinational conglomerate that provides a variety of products and services including aircraft engines, oil and gas production equipment, power generation, house hold appliances, medical imaging and much more. General Electric was founded in 1892. The founders of General Electric are Thomas Alva Edison and Charles Coffin. Edison and Coffin independently owned their own companies both working toward electric innovations. As competitors in working towards the same…
V. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT: STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Corporate Structure. General Electric has a board of directors is elected by the shareowners to oversee management and to assure that the long-term interests of the shareowners are being served (Governance Principles, n.d.). Board directors are responsible for making the key decisions for GE including counsel and oversight of management, financial and business strategies and actions, assessing risks and maintaining integrity for the company.…
When Jack Welch entered the world of General Electric as CEO in 1981, he entered head first, ready to enhance the company from where it currently stood. He entered the company alongside with a strong vision for the future as he stated that “A decade from now, I would like General Electric to be perceived as a unique, high-spirited, entrepreneurial enterprise . . . the most profitable, highly diversified company on earth, with world quality leadership in every one of its product lines” (Bartlett…
Introduction General Electric Company is currently an American International conglomerate. The enterprise was established in 1892 from the amalgamation of Edison General Electric Company and Thomson-Houston Electric Company. General Electric Company offers many diversified services that also involve technology and manufacturing with a significant commitment towards the achievement of customer success and also global leadership in all its operations (Wilson, 2014). The paper will focus on…
A firm can increase its grasp on an industry in many different forms in order to increase its diversification. One way for a firm to increase its diversification is to undergo an acquisition. General Electric has been through numerous acquisitions including some recently. The reasons behind these acquisitions led to many different options. Well the acquisitions that General Electric has undergone seem to working efficiently, many different difficulties could occur. An acquisition can be…
In the article General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010, states that Jeffery Immelt (CEO of General Electric (GE)) wants Obama to create more jobs for the United States. This is ironic because “more than half of GE’s workforce is now outside the United States”. I don’t believe that Jeffery has a say in what Obama does concerning with creating new jobs for America because as a CEO of a company, shouldn’t he be trying to create more jobs in America? Rather than laying off 21,000 workers and…
Engineering Competitive advantage General Electric Plc. Abstract Every company must have to excel in the competitive advantage enjoying over the competitors to become the market leaders (Porter, 1990). The General Electric Company possesses some unique resources that are constantly helping the GEC to become a bigger organization day by day. Without being able to develop a competitive advantage in the market it will definitely be difficult to sustain in the modern competitive business market.…
before any cost or expenses are subtracted; it is known as the top line on a company (Investopedia, 2016). General Electric recognizes revenue when all sales are final upon delivering or sales agreement are in place. Most of the GE multiple components are in the same agreement. GE total revenue as of December 31, 2012 was $ 146,684,000, as of December 31, 2013 was $146,045,000 and as December 31, 2014 was $148,589,000 (Yahoo Finance, 2016). The revenue for all three year had big difference; for…
therefore goods will be easier to import and export from country to country. This gives the company a great advantage because they will sell their product and be able to move their product faster than a company that is in a country that has no waterways. (2) Weakness- a big weakness for GE moving to Australia is that they will now have to find exporters that are based there to ship their products to either via direct or indirect exports. In the United States, General Electric has all of their…