TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT BY FRUSTRATION Doctrine of Frustration A contract of employment can be terminated (1) on grounds of performance or expiry, (2) by agreement, (3) due to an evident fundamental breach, as well as (4) on basis of frustration. An employment contract may be said to have been frustrated and brought to an end when an unforeseen supervening event occurs that renders the performance of the contractual obligations practically impossible or illegal. Destruction of subject matter [Taylor v Caldwell (1863)], government interference [Shenyin Wangou-APS Management Pte Ltd v Another v Commerzbank (South-East Asia) Ltd (2001)], non-occurrence of event [Krell v Henry (1903)] and personal incapacity [Poussard v Spiers & Pond…
pessimism or lowering your expectations. Seneca stated, “Though the terrain of frustration may be vast--from a stubbed toe to an untimely death--at the heart of every frustration lies a basic structure: the collision of a wish with an unyielding reality” (de Botton,80). Seneca’s philosophy implies, to not go so far as living your life catastrophizing, but to simply be prepared for the worst and use optimism very cautiously. For the purposes of this essay I will be applying Seneca’s philosophy…
Mackenzie McHale, a main character on the show The Newsroom, plays an integral role as Will McAvoy’s executive producer at ACN. Mackenzie, being an intense, caring, and passionate person, intervenes in the lives of other characters to encourage their growth and development. Since she views herself as a very determined individual, Mac utilizes her vast array of knowledge and her quick wit to outsmart anyone and face all of the challenges and pitfalls that come with running a fast-paced news show.…
Veitch suggests that we can turn stressful moments and make them enjoyable. Veitch’s main idea is that we can make our own fun out of frustrating situations by creating a game out of it. In my opinion, I agree with Veitch’s argument because, this is helpful for people to turn frustrating moments into an enjoyable one instead. In my experience, when I was waiting at a doctor’s office, boredom made me frustrated because I was waiting so long and had nothing to do, it made me mad about the…
to stay on course in the storm of negative thinking. Just as I pull my body back to proper position to make a technical correction, I can pull my mind back the same way by using an anchor. An anchor is a series of thoughts or actions that will pull someone 's mind back to focus and doubtfulness. A person 's anchor will be strong "comebacks" to negative thoughts. Helping your mind return to focus, fearlessness, and doubtless. Examples of strong anchors I will include in my routine is: "breathe,…
believes their value or purpose is for God. When I think about my decision to relocate for my new job, Dr. Veerman explains that although someone desires to travel abroad and set up orphanage in third world nations; God’s plan may require a different approach of simply helping children in the local community. Both are of equal importance. Veerman further contends that communication through prayer and meditation in seeking God’s guidance in all decisions is crucial. My personal belief is…
credit for paying half the mortgage in my time. I had hoped that realistically speaking your current remodel needs would be expected. I have nothing to lose at this point in regards to that home. However, your respect is now just as important. So, I want to be very honest and very clear on what I know to be true and where I could have done better. The rest I cannot answer for because I truly do not understand. I also understand that I am being accused of many things. And like I tell Grace when…
They share the same goal of redemption and equal inevitability of their failure. Dunya was the same objective to Svidrigailov as the superman theory to Raskolnikov. When either was faced with the failure of reaching their goal, they suffered a massive psychological breakdown. Their different perspectives on life drove them to choose different outcomes of their journeys. Svidrigailov would have rather died than spent life in prison. He was very egotistical and didn’t like to admit he was wrong,…
Of course for every low, there must be a high, and that came from just gaining information of a career that I love. I learned many things from this project that I am sure will help me later on. As I was searching and calling for interviews, no one seemed to answer my calls, leaving me stressed for the ever coming deadline. Looking for someone to interview was by far the hardest part of the project due to trying to squeeze yourself into someone else’s schedule, which did not always mean that…
rapidly getting out of control because failure to accurately identify the signals means failure of any intervention. Secondly, the worker should not get impatient if one intervention doesn’t work; be always patience. He has to remain calm and listen actively because overreacting just leads to further problems. We have to give full attention to the client. Try to remain/reduce all the distractions because they only increase the client’s frustration level. (Saskatchewan Polytechnic, p. 35, 36).…