Far East

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    Far East Religion

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    There are many similarities and differences found in the religions of India and the Far East. Some of the religions of India include Hinduism and Jainism and of the Far East include Daoism, Confucianism, and Shinto which is not considered to be a religion in the same sense as traditional religions but an important element of Japanese spirituality, honoring spirits and things coming to be. Hinduism is described as a “range from extreme sensuality, heights of personal devotion of a deity to philosophical perspective.” (Living Religions, Fisher) Hinduism is a polytheistic religion with said to have over 330 million deities. Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto are polytheistic as well, worshipping or honoring various gods for many reasons…

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    Orientalism, is a book by Edward Said in which was very influential and controversial in postcolonial studies. Said redefined the term “Orientalism.” He defined it as a constellation of untrue assumptions expressing how the western attitudes toward the East were romanticized. Said starts off his book with the fact that the Orient played a key role in the “construction” of European and American culture, “the Orient has helped to define Europe (or the west) as its contrasting image, idea,…

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    making geographical distinctions that can be entirely arbitrary.” He continues, though noting by using the “word "arbitrary" here because imaginative geography of the "our land barbarian land" variety does not require that the barbarians acknowledge the distinction. It is enough for "us" to set up these boundaries in our own minds; "they" become "they" accordingly, and both their territory and their mentality are designated as different from "ours." (Said, 54). Simultaneously, he demonstrates…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Orientalism is a term which indicates how the West perceives the East as the ‘other’. Edward Said published his controversial book Orientalism in 1978, which talks about how Orientalism forms an inferior Orient, in terms of knowledge and domination. Edward Said opens his introduction by mentioning the Western’s misconception about the East arguing that “The Orient was almost a European invention” (Said 1). The Orient played a significant role in the creation of the European culture and it…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    The Far East Side of American Classrooms American sitcoms often mock societal trends and highlight the best and worst stereotypes of American cultures. Aibel and Berger, writers of the animated sitcom King of the Hill, made a very poignant statement in the episode “Westie Side Story”, when a Laotian family moves into the small Texas community (1997). The main character Hank Hill innocently asks his neighbor, “So, are you Chinese or Japanese?” His neighbor, Kahn Souphanousinphone, replies, “I…

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  • Improved Essays

    Disney’s magic carpet ride: Aladdin and women in Islam is about how the Disney version of Aladdin portrays the women and men in Islam. I agree on a lot of the points in this article and disagree with only a few. This article talks mainly about how Disney could have done a better job with portraying Islam culture. The author of this article Christiane Staninger uses a lot of other authors from different papers to back up certain arguments that are being made about this Disney movie, and this…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    In the short story, “The Lottery”, Shirley Jackson uses imagery and symbolism to show that evil can be present in the most innocent environment, resulting in society being tainted with dark illusion. Superstitious tradition symbolized an important role to the people in this village. Mr. Summers a man that was in charge of the majority of the events in the town, always spoke about making a new black box but never did. (134) The people of the village would rather keep the same box rather than…

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    Not only is repetition used for the columns on the sides of the mosaics containing pearls and emeralds and sapphires, as well as those same gems ordered around the Mosaic there is also a abundance of threes. When looking at the Justinian Mosaic it can be separated into three quadrants. On the left side there are soldiers and court officials, in the middle there is Justinian and on the right side, the representatives of the church are shown. In Theodora 's mosaic her mosaic can be seperated into…

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    • 9 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    economic and social shifts have complicated the position of left wing parties that are now kind of obliged to change many of their positions and points of view in order to adapt with the emerging global crisis. Some left parties, in countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece and U.K, paid high electoral prices for the unfortunate setback of being in office when the crisis started. In Greece, PASOK was defeated in the latest elections; in Finland, the main left parties scored poorly in the latest…

    • 967 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Have you ever been in a situation that you feel like doing the right thing, even when others might do something different? Everyone has courage, but what is rare is when people actually show it. In The Diary of Anne Frank Play (written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett) the Frank family, the Van Daan family, and Mr. Dussel are all Jewish people who need to go into hiding to stay safe during World War 2. Miep Gies is one of the people that helps hide them. Miep shows courage by helping the…

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