are not comparable to the rest of the sample. - Adult norms collected in 2005-2006 3. The child’s name, age, date of examination and name of examiner is needed on the record form 4. Examination date minus child’s birthdate – count more than 15 days as one month 5. There is no introduction to the test/subtest – it is not necessary to come up with one. 6. The manual is oddly organized. I found it was difficult to find essential material as it was spread all throughout the manual. Section B: Specific (Subtest) Information 6. Starting point is age-dependent 13. Standard way of obtaining a raw score. 14. Standard scores, NCE’s, T-scores, scaled scores, percentiles, and age-equivalents are available VMI (Green Form) 1. Essence of the test - Tests both visual-motor integration. Individuals copy items from a stimulus item. 2. Any extra materials you need? - The child will need a pencil without eraser, the test booklet, and a protractor is needed for scoring. - The booklet needs to be placed straight in front of child and the examiner flips page when necessary. 3. Are there any initial instructions? - Children over functional age 5 start at item 7 and are asked to copy a form. 4. Practice items and responses - You do need to talk and point for the practice items – item 4-6 (however, it is not needed for children over 5). - The examiner does not say anything if the child gets an item correct or incorrect. 5. How do you administer the items? - Point to the item and tell them…
procedural model prevents the same test to be run over, and over again, on the same piece of evidence; it is a way for the police and forensic analysts to save time and money. An efficient time-saving method the police use is a pre-printed form on the outer side of the evidence containers; as a result, the forensic examiner fills out the form and places the evidence in the container, with the filled out form on the container, preventing misplacement of the form (Saferstein, 2015). According to…
From 2011 to 2012 I worked as a content creator for The Examiner, an online news site. This was before it became to bogged down in advertising and became more of an opinion site than an actual news site. I took a factual and practical approach to the writing. I wrote content under three different titles: Liberal Examiner, Green Examiner and Space Examiner. As a Liberal Examiner I covered issues and happenings that related to social liberalism. Social liberalism, is a political ideology that…
What is a Certified Fraud Examiner? These are people who put many hours of hard work into finding any fraudulent acts that a company may be causing. The adventures but, nevertheless, important, relationship between investigators and clients is something that needs to be understood. While some have been captivated by fraudulent acts people portray, some don’t find it as interesting as others do. Although it is a very interesting topic, the certified fraud examiners have skills and training that…
Scholars have predicted that Dental Examiners will lead to a large amount of lawsuits against state boards. These predictions have come true with plaintiffs bringing antitrust suits across the United States. For example, plaintiffs have filed antitrust lawsuits, based upon Dental Examiners, against state boards in Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Louisiana, Connecticut, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. These lawsuits can provide valuable information on how courts may…
could have any career in the world I would be a forensic medical examiner. I remember being in pre-school or kindergarten and so on teachers and parents would ask what we wanted to be when we grew up, being kids everybody would most likely say famous, or president of the United states but as long as I can remember I have always wanted to work in the medical field. Many of my family members worked or, still work in the medical field, I have always looked up to them as a kid. Later, in life I…
A Computer Forensics Investigator/Examiner is someone who analyzes computers and other digital devices to assist with police investigations. They help the police with computer based and cyber and non-cybercrimes. They are able to gather, recover, and locate evidence for electronic devices that may have been deleted or is hidden from plain sight. They work on identity theft, electronic fraud, and other scams. There are no educational requirements necessary to become a Computer Forensics…
o I only meet Nicola once prior to today. o I got to her house at 11 pm or 12 am, I not sure of the exact time. o I saw Nicola and I thought she was high on something because, I have seen people high before. o I stayed at the house for a little while and then I went to see some friends of mine. o I came back to the house early in the morning and Nicola was in the room with her boyfriend talking. o I went to sleep in the living room and when I woke up Nicola boyfriend and my friend were doing…
to provide for the indemnification of board members. Indemnification means to compensate someone for loss or damages sustained. In this context, it would mean covering the damages that individual board members would sustain in antitrust lawsuits. In Dental Examiners, the Supreme Court choose not to address whether board members could be personally liable for monetary damages as individuals, but they did suggest it was possible. Scholars have found that individual damages against board…
The interview I completed was with Cindy Dikmen, who is an emergency room registered nurse and a certified sexual assault nurse examiner at a local hospital. In order to be a certified sexual assault nurse examiner, a registered nurse must complete 40 hours of certification training. In addition to the training, shadowing experienced sexual assault examiner, is also recommended in order to build skills. Training also teaches how to interview victims in order to record an accurate statement. The…