time Titan was believed to be the fourth moon of Saturn. However it was later discovered to be the sixth ellipsoidal moon. In 1847, John Herschel suggested that the 7 known moons of Saturn should be named after the Titans and Titanesses from Greek mythology, who ruled during the legendary Golden Age; this was an era of peace and prosperity. Enceladus and Mimas, Saturn’s two inner moons were named after Greek Giants, while the five outer moons were named after the Titans and Titanesses (Titan, Lapetus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea). Initially, Titan was referred to as “Huygenian Satellite of Saturn.” The other moons were named with Roman numerals in order of their distance from Saturn. Space missions to Saturn:…
Laboratory in Pasadena, California, where the orbiter was designed and assembled. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology. Development of the Huygens Titan probe was managed by the European Space Technology and Research Center, whose prime contractor for the probe is Alcatel in France. Equipment and instruments for the probe were supplied from many countries, including the United States. The Cassini program is a 19-year endeavor; the program received a new start from the U.S.…
Space is a different dimension that can be deadly or breath-taking. People are curious to understand the space and what lies beyond the universal. This can be accomplished by sending astronauts to space to explore the changes in Earth and operate advanced technology such as Satellites and space stations. Nevertheless, most astronauts are not ready to withstand primitive conditions such as prolonged absences and stress environment. Even though they train themselves to be prepare, they are not…
Space is a vast and unexplored region, the exploration of which is necessary to satiate mankind’s curiosity and answer the enduring question, “What is our place in the universe?” The need to explore and understand the universe we live in has driven us to establish government agencies, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA), whose main goal is to study outer space. NASA’s projects have led to many great advancements, including the…
The universe is a vast space, but the human race has the power to make it smaller. Through various programs and missions, all humans on Earth can work together towards the discovery of other life in the universe. The main categories that would be linked to space exploration are the benefits, funding, education, and new colonies. If all of the categories are reached, then Earth will have a better understanding on why it, so lonesomely, contains life. The first important link to space…
Ever since the beginning of the space race the United States has been one of the premier space agencies in the world. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, is a government run program that started in 1958 to better understand what lies beyond Earth’s atmosphere. One of their biggest feats was putting a man on the moon. This virtually won us the space race and put us at the forefront of space technology and research. Many thing have changed since Neil Armstrong first stepped…
789 out of 833 people have returned to Earth on a NASA Shuttle. However, seven of the casualties were from a failed reentry of the atmosphere which occurred on February 1st, 2003 when the STS-107 Columbia burnt up and disintegrated during reentry. In this log, one will learn how a space shuttle is designed and how the trajectory a ship takes to reenter the Earth’s atmosphere safely. Space is everything, discovered known places, and also the dangerous unknown. However, when astronauts and…
The Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) is another base providing a suitable habitat for simulations and research (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation). The geography at this isolated location in Hawaii is exceptionally similar to that on Mars. Additionally, synonymous with conditions on Mars, the area is largely clear of plants and animals (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation). The soil near this Hawaiian base contains minerals also found in Martian…
obvious and yet simple reasons for why we explore space besides figuring out how life started is because, by nature, we are curious. We have an innate curiosity engraved in us as human beings, and because of that we yearn to discover and to explore what we don 't yet understand. The first people that walked on this earth had to of looked up at the sun and the stars and wondered how they function and what their purpose was- but they didn 't necessarily have any of the tools or the knowledge or…
Unfortunately, living in Canada gave Chris a semi-disadvantage over other potential astronauts that wanted to explore life in space as well. When Chris determined he wanted to be an astronaut, being a Canadian citizen only decreased his chances. He wrote, “I also knew, as did every kid in Canada, that it was impossible. Astronauts were American. NASA only accepted applications from U.S citizens, and Canada didn't even have a space agency [5].” However, this didn’t stop Chris from obtaining his…