The status-caste exchange theory is to marry in terms of desirable traits; a desirable man marries a desirable woman based what she can provide in return (Hou & Myles, 2013). In regards to interracial marriage, the status-caste exchange theory assumes that the skin colour or ethnic origin as the desirable trait. Lighter skin colours are more desirable compared to darker skin colours, so the value of a partner is based on their skin colour or ethnic origin. If their socio-economic statuses were equal in stature, it would not matter; they would not be seen as equals because the value of their partner is based on their skin colour or ethnic origin according to the status-caste exchange theory. This is according to research done by … (Hou & Myles, 2013). A major event in history, the perception of interracial relationships, the Loving vs. Virginia U.S. Supreme Court Case in 1967; this where they made the decision to get rid of laws against interracial marriage (Herman & Campbell, 2012). – incomplete sentence This was the first step for interracial unions, but the older generations grew up with the belief that interracial relationships were to be criticized; it was the norm of the time because of the white-black divisions in the 1940s, which grew from slavery. So, even after the laws were abolished in 1967, a stigma remained against people of different cultures and colors having relationships, especially romantic relationships (Hou & Myles, 2013; Field, Kimuna & Straus, 2013).…
In this study, Eurasian is a racial concept. It is a North American term describing a lack of genealogical consistency, like the terms mulatto, mestizo, hapa and half-breed. The twentieth-century conception of race in the United States is rooted in the powerful, although scientifically insupportable rule of hypodescent. This famous one-drop rule defining any individual with any amount of “black blood” as black logically prevents the concept of mixed race identity. People are white according to…
Eurasia has a horizontal axis, its land spread across similar latitudes. This made food production easier because the climates and seasons were similar. In conjunction with its geography, the Eurasian continent had the easiest time sharing and gathering techniques. Food production first formed in societies with access to clean, fresh water, river systems. Continents like Australia, first set back by geographical isolation, lacked these river systems and was therefore late to the game on food…
Similar to other captive carnivorous mammals, the Eurasian otter’s optimal nutritional requirements have not been studied to a great extent. Usually in captivity, most of the diet that is used was created for the nutritional needs of other otters, like Asian small-clawed otters and North American River otters. These diets have been derived from the domestic cat, farm mink, and fox because the study of nutrition for captive carnivorous species is fairly rare. Eurasian otters suffer from…
The Eurasian Lynx is one of four species of lynx. The scientific classification is the L. Lynx. Its natural habitats are the forests, tundra, and Mountains. They range in Scandinavia, Northern Europe, and Asia. they weigh up to about 84 pounds, but the average weight of a male is 48 lbs. The average weight of a female is 40 lbs. They rank the largest out of the whole species. Eurasian Lynx are nocturnal meaning, they sleep all day and go hunting during the night. Their diet contains of rabbits,…
The Eurasian curlew and the Peregrine falcon are two different bird’s species with noticeable anatomical and behavioral differences between them. While the curlew feeds from invertebrates, at the same time it becomes the prey for the falcon, which is conditioned by another feature of their anatomy, their beaks. A decurved bill such as the one present in Numenius arquata has numerous advantages over a straight bill for such foraging on mudflats. Foraging Curlews use probing as a way to take…
Eurasian Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) is a 14cm long “Demersal; potamodromous fish that can live up to 11 years. “Originally, minnows were spread because fishermen used them as live bait for catching species like brown trout (Salmo trutta), Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pike (Exos lucius) (Huitfeldt-Kaas 1918). This practice is considered to be the main reason for most introductions throughout the 1900s. However, minnows have also been accidentally introduced in…
for a master`s degree in Canada, Montreal. Not only my extensive background and work experience in Government, but also the history of my home country with current political and financial situation in the period of the integration with the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia have greatly contributed to why I want to further explore the topics of the international law and international business dilemmas. The knowledge I will gain as a result of completing the PhD program at the your…
The effects of the Black Death on the Afro-Eurasian global communities included demographic consequences, demise of the economy, and social unrest. The majority of the demographic collapse was located in Europe and Islamic lands where population growth stopped for over a century, sometimes even longer, noting that England's population did return to pre-black death numbers until almost four centuries later. This devastation of population demise caused a lack of day-laborers, in turn causing labor…
Mexican Spotted Owl The Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) has two other related species of the spotted owls which are the Northern and California spotted owls. Each spotted owl is located in their own geographic area and are considered to be tamed approachable birds by humans. During the day they sit on a tree branch in the deep shade and hunt during the night. The Mexican spotted owl can distinguished by its color, feathers and habitat location. Taxonomy and Morphology The…