Chaos… This simple word has an immensely negative connotation. It can be used jokingly, but true chaos is something no one wants. This same negative connotation is transferred to Eris, the goddess of discord. Eris’s nature made others keep their distance from her or use her for revenge on others, but she simply wanted to be free of the discord she was doomed to always carry. Eris is the goddess of chaos and the personification of discord. She is even said to delight in human bloodshed. Because of this trait, many associate her with the war-goddess, Enyo. Because of Eris’ frightful nature, she is outcasted. She was the only one who remained uninvited to Peleus and Thetis’ wedding. Everyone has shunned Eris for her unavoidable nature of chaos and discord.…
complained about the change. The complaints are based partly on nostalgia; as children, they learned that Pluto was a planet, and they do not like change. However, in this essay, I argue that classifying Pluto as a dwarf planet is justified as the classification is useful; however, its status as a dwarf planet should not indicate that it is not as interesting as the planets. I will discuss, first, the historical context in which Pluto came to be demoted, the respective definitions of planets and…
be worthy of the title? Not by terms in today's science yet are dwarf planets like Eris, Pluto, and Ceres going to be considered planets. Though Pluto had a long run of seventy-six years as a planet its time came to an end almost ten years ago. I believe that…
planet to a “dwarf planet” in the solar system. Pluto is a planet with about 30 to 49 astronomical units away from the sun, and it takes about 5 hours for the light of sun to reach its surface. Pluto also has an orbit of 248 years, which makes the longest orbital time period for a planetary object in the solar system. The mass of Pluto is 1.303±0.003)×1022 kg and the radius of the planet is 0.1863 Earths. The small size of the planet makes it around one-sixth of the size of the moon, which made…
other Greek mythical stories are imperfect. Rather than divine features, they appear more likely to carry out human behaviors. As demonstrated in the Iliad, for instance, when Helen feels guilty for causing the Trojan War, the old king tells her, “Do not think I lay the wars endur’d by us on thee - / The gods have sent them, and in tears in which they swam to me.” Here, instead of blaming Helen, the old king claims that the war was caused by gods and goddesses. In accordance of a Greek mythical…
This myth recalled a beauty contest in which goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena were participating. The contest arose when all the gods and goddesses other than the goddess Eris, were gathered at a wedding for Peleus and Thetis. Goddess of discoed, Eris was turned away from the wedding and in a fit of rage; Eris caused a commotion and tossed around a golden apple which was labeled “for the most beautiful”. Zeus was asked to mediate the uproar. He ordered Hermes to lead Hera, Athena and…
Greek mythology is the collection of myths that talk about the Greek's gods, heroes, their nature, and their culture. Ares is known as the God of War, but he is also known for influencing the modern day world and creating acts of destruction. Ares, the God of War, is the son of Zeus and Hera. Both of Ares's parent's hated him. He was the most hated son of Zeus. (Hamilton 31) In some legends Ares and his sister, Eris were born when Hera touched a flower. This shows one of the reasons that Zeus…
There is only one key difference between a planet and a Dwarf Planet. To answer the question of what a dwarf planet is we must realize what a dwarf planet is not. A planet is defined in three ways, 1. It is in orbit around a star, 2. It is spherical, 3. It is not a satellite, 4. It has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. A dwarf planet must follow steps 1, 2, and 3 however they do not follow number 4. To clear the neighborhood means to clear the area around its orbit. When they were…
be orbiting the Sun; 2) has to be large enough to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium – in other words, to be spherical; and 3) able to clear out its orbit of smaller objects. It’s point number three where Pluto fails to meet as a planet (Eicher, David J.).” They also found out that Pluto’s orbit was so elongated that it cut into Neptune’s orbit, so there were times Pluto was not the ninth object orbiting our Sun, but the eight (Chown, Marcus). People were discouraged by the thought that Pluto as a…
To what extent is knowledge discarded rather that built upon in art and the natural sciences? In the natural sciences knowledge seems to be built upon more than discarded and in art it seems like the knowledge is discarded over time in favor of the new way of thinking about art. Knowledge seems to be improved and built upon more in science where theories are constantly being tested and improved and seems to be discarded more in art where different types of art come into style during different…