The Enigma of the 20th Century “Send the U-Boat to (51° 15' 43", -6° 45' 4"); attack at 15:00.” This could have been a message that was ciphered using a secret code during times of war. Cryptography, the study of securely coding messages, has been around for thousands of years (The Enigma Machine Explained). It started out with pencil-and-paper codes, made of substituting letters for each other in the alphabet. Then, there were more geometric codes, relying on using grids to write out messages and then writing down the letters in order of the rows or columns. Modern-day codes and ciphers are much more complicated than these outdated, antiquated codes. The jump from these simple codes to more sophisticated, complex, ones was in World War II.…
In an age of industrial progress and communication mechanisms emerging, the enigma was invented just after World War I. Though Germany believed their machine was "unbreakable", the efforts to find a flaw in their system were ultimately successful. With the state-of-the-art technology and ingenuity of the inventors, the enigma had the potential to give Germany extreme advantages during World War II, but simple mistakes cost the country their machine's success as well as their success in the war. …
During World War II, in 1939, it was obvious that the Germans had a machine that changed how the war was fought. The enigma machine designed by the Germans was thought to be unbreakable. It was used to send secret messages to the other German military forces. The code changed each day, so the Germans thought they were unstoppable, however, the code was cracked by the British with the help of Alan Turing’s machine, “The bombe”, on January 23rd 1940. The enigma was a very well thought out machine…
Who is Hal Clement and why would he make the statement that "in hard sf the universe itself is the antagonist"? In order to understand both Hal Clement, his statement referencing hard science fiction and the universe, it was critical to begin my research and analysis with background information on author Hal Clement, before explaining his statement and the relationship to the theme of “The Cold Equation.” Harry Clement Stubbs, a man of multiple names, used the name Hal Clement when he wrote…
Bletchley Park is located in Buckinghamshire, and during World War Two, was Britain’s main code breaking centre. Several German codes from the Enigma and Lorenz machines were decoded here. Many historians, after a lot of research, have come to the conclusion that the intelligence produced by the workers at Bletchley Park shortened World War Two by 2– 4 years! In addition, without these codes having been figured out, the outcome of the war could have been different. Alan Turing was one of…
cryptologists and colleague Joan Clarke, who is played by Keira Knightley. 'Enigma ' was a highly complex device used by the Nazi Germans to send encrypted code messages throughout the world prior and during World War II. The device was so instrumental to Hitler 's early dominance because nobody except the Germans knew how to read and decipher the messages during the early folds of the…
Friends, do you really wish to know yourself? Do you also wish to reveal the enigma of life, birth, death, incarnation, god, soul, supreme power etc.? Then you must read this book wholeheartedly- from this first chapter 'Mother Earth' till the last page. Everything-- your breath, your food, air, water, wealth and all that is visible to your eyes-- is Mother Earth! Nothing else but Mother Earth, Mother Earth and just Mother Earth!! Yes my friends and this fact will be revealed to you through…
In 1941, Turing and his cohorts deciphered the German 's original Enigma cypher by hand, which made it possible to let the Allies figure out where the German U-boats were before the Germans could even attack. The issue with deciphering the system was that it took too much time and energy out of those deciphering the Enigma. Turing and several other members of the British Code and Cypher School, became determined to develop something that would not put as much stress on them. Within a year they…
The importance of dreams throughout ‘The Great Enigma’ by Tomas Tranströmer. ‘The Great Enigma’, written by Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer, features a diverse range of poetry and prose accumulated over his lifespan. ‘The Great Enigma’ regularly deals with abstract concepts such as social interaction, consciousness, life and death. In order to communicate these concepts, Tranströmer utilises numerous techniques, recurring motifs and symbols. This essay will examine the importance of dreams…
The Bullying Enigma article emphasizes that everything and anything should not be considered bullying. School employees know the seriousness of bullying that seems like a never-ending story with no concrete resolution. The overuse of the term bullying can be misconstrued when a child is labeled as a bully for being involved in only one incident. Labeling a child as a bully after one incident can be a stigma that could travel with the child throughout their school career. Everybody needs to…