A bivalve is a category of marine and freshwater molluscs and can be located in the deepest depths of the ocean to shallow streams. Bivalves are easily identified due to the distinct quality of two shells attached by a muscular hinge. They can reach a length of 13cm but are often only reach a percentage of that length. Mytilus trossulus are filter feeders and can filter an average of 340 liters of seawater a day (Wildish, 1990). Therefore, blue mussels have a highly efficient method of accumulating bacteria found in the water, thus exemplifying their importance as biological indicators (Hale, 2003). The mytilus trossulus species has been heavily used in the study of oild…
How to choose the best lash extension training course for you? Description: the artificial eye lashes are created in order to increase the beauty of a woman’s eye. In order to get trained in this, you can join the best eye lash extension training courses. Know how to select one. There can be a plethora of choices in eye lash extension training course, but in order to choose the best one from there, you need to consider your objective and requirements properly. There are various sources from…
his ideas from textbooks, Diamond “patiently explained to [his] companions that [he] had read about some mushrooms being poisonous” and that he has heard of “even American mushroom collectors dying because of difficulty of distinguishing safe from dangerous mushrooms” (Diamond 17). Diamonds perception is limited. In context, he accepts his education as true while not trusting “how his fellows order their knowledge”. The Fore has gained their knowledge though experience, not literature, thus…
Hypothetical Example of Common Sense vs. Skepticism Common sense can be described as trusting our senses and accepting what we know as knowledge. Skepticism is nearly the opposite and can be described as questioning or doubting unempirical knowledge, beliefs, or opinions stated as facts and refrains from claims of truth or knowledge. Skepticism, however, does not state that truth or knowledge is impossible. The difference between these two philosophical ideas can be seen in examples of…
I was in the garden again. The damp soil running through my fingers. The water soaking through the knees of my jeans. I weeded around my beans, feeling the dirt under my fingernails and in the creases of my palms. My first few days here I just watched, unsure of the unspoken rules that hovered over the garden. Then, one day, I walked over to a girl. She was almost my age and tended to 2 rows of lima beans. I don’t know if it was the way not only she but her plants seemed to tremble in the wind…
Callosobruchus maculatus are not considered directly harmful to humans; although, as an insect pest they damage millions of tons of human food crops in the form of legumes every year (Torres et al. 2016). Physically, they are small beetles, approximately 3.5 mm long. Because Callosobruchus maculatus larvae feed and develop exclusively on the seeds of legumes, the beetles are commonly referred to as "bean beetles." Adult Callosobruchus maculatus have a very short lifespan of 6 to 14 days…
The Spokane River in Idaho offers you access to some of the best waves for river surfing, and paddlers, anglers and floaters will all find an appreciation for waves that range anywhere in skill from beginner to expert. Not only are you surfing, you will see some of Idaho's most beautiful sites, and learn about the swims. Whether you want a mellow experience or something more rough, you can find it here. (-- removed HTML --) Lochsa River Surfing (-- removed HTML --) Lochsa's Pipeline is one of…
1–11 Describe some common living things, and identify needs of those living things. Identify the requirements of plants to maintain life; i.e., air, light, suitable temperature, water, growing medium, space; and recognize that we must provide these for plants in our care. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Identify the requirements of plants to maintain life. ASSESSMENTS • Students will be actively engaged in the lesson by scooping out the inside of the pumpkin. They will also be working…
placed in the animal group of Cnidaria. Jellyfish are considered as the most unusual and beautiful creatures of aquatic life. Jellyfish occupies almost all the oceanic water bodies of the world therefore it is really hard to predict the exact population which resides in water bodies. With above 350 various kinds of Jellyfish in the world, here is a list of the Top 10 most beautiful Jellyfish on Earth. 10. RHOPILEMA ESCULENTUM Rhopilema is an edible jellyfish although it is thought that their…
Chitin is a linear polysaccharide, with β-(1-4)-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Found in the exoskeletons of crustaceans (crab, shrimp, lobster, insects) & molluscs, as well as the cell walls of algae and fungi, chitin is the second-most naturally abundant polysaccharide after cellulose [1, 2]. Chitin occurs naturally in the polymorphic forms: α, β and γ. The α-polymorphic form of chitin is the most abundant in nature, present in the strong exoskeleton of crustaceans [6]. α-Chitin forms tightly…