Group Dynamics Analysis Due to the fact that group work helps academic achievement, skilled communication and psychological health (Learning Together), a high-performing group work acts an important role in academic success for a class as a whole, it is benefit for individual lifelong success as well. Knowing the group dynamics lays the foundation of more effective group work. In this paper, I will analyze some of our group activities we had in our Real Change Learning Community, to get a better view of how our group performs, what group stages we are on and what we should improve to enhance the performance. So far, we had two major group activities in College 101 course. One was the campus resource presentation and the other was the airplane incident survival. For the campus resource presentation, there were several locations of the campus we could choose to do a 5-minute presentation to the class as a group after a 30-minute preparation. We were allowed to use the whiteboard, poster paper or the computer. We had 5 people in our group, and we chose the Open Learning Center (OLC) and the Math & Writing Center as our presenting resources, First, we brainstormed what everybody knew about these places on our own. Secondly, we drew down a list of things we knew together, also wrote down the questions we had. Next, we searched…
As members of the CCO, it is important that we are able to work together as a successful team. Creating an atmosphere where members value each other, communicate openly, commit to team goals and trust one another as well as the team leader will help to connect every member to the team. Positive group dynamics are affected by personality, power, and the behaviours of group members. The “forming” stage of team development begins when members become acquainted as team members. They begin to share…
Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the simulation of fluids in engineering systems using modeling such as mathematical physical problem formulation and numerical methods like discretization methods, solver, numerical parameters and grid generation. Computational fluid dynamics is based on the concept of Reynolds averaging of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equation commonly known as (RANS) which are considered by Leishman to be the most adaptable method for…
The Group dynamics within our group ‘Team Instinct’ varies from day to day. Depending on what type of mood we are all in, our group seems to take on different group roles or tasks without even realizing it. Some days our group can work very well with a plethora of us being initiators and coordinators, while the rest turn more towards being the recorders and instigators. The next day the roles and tasks could be flipped, and some of us could be doing the opposite job of which we did yesterday.…
Within any group, there are various factors or forces that directly or indirectly affected the operation and performance of that group. In order for leaders to adopt the right approach to interacting with groups and their members, they need to understand group dynamics. Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioural patterns of a group. Group dynamics concern how groups are formed, what is their structure and which processes are followed in their functioning. Thus, it is concerned with…
Application of Bernoulli’s Equation to Fluid Dynamics Bernoulli’s equation has been used widely in an engineering aspects, the conservation of energy is the most famous one. This paper will talk about the application of Bernoulli’s equation to fluid dynamics. Fluids flow can be in different forms, such as water in the ocean, blood within our body and etc. Thus, it is necessary to study the mechanism of fluids. In the year of 1738, Daniel Bernoulli published a book called Hydrodynamica, which…
2.3 Computational fluid dynamics Computational fluid dynamics or commonly abbreviated as CFD is the branch of fluid dynamics which is applied to simulate fluid flow, heat transfer, and associated phenomena such as chemical reactions by the numerical solution of the governing equations to analyze complex flows system such as complex turbulent flow (Versteeg and Malalasekera, 1995). Therefore, CFD has often been provided as the tool for testing of conditions which are not possible or difficult…
Group Dynamics Communication, cohesion, culture, and social integration are all a part of the group dynamic. Communication involves a selective perception, non-verbal messages, and feedback. A few methods of group interaction methods are maypole, round robin, hot seat, and free floating. Communication is an important factor, but it can be extremely difficult. Members communicate for the purpose of understanding, but communication patterns can change for many different reasons. Cohesion is…
The viscoelastic behavior of bucky paper reinforced epoxy laminar composite materials for structural application has been evaluated through Dynamic Mechanical Analysis. The effects of heating rate, sinusoidal forces on glass transition temperature Tgwere studied. In DMA LVDT controlled sinusoidal force is applied and measures the response of the input as shown in the figure 3. It measures parameters which are the signature properties of the material under supervision like storage modulus, loss…
5. SUMMARY We have derived Laplace's equation for steady-state water flow in two dimensions and have explained how the equation is solved by three Relaxation Methods: Jacobi, Gauss Siedel and Successive Over-Relaxation on a discrete 20 10 grids. The numerical method was illustrated by a Matlab programming code. 6. References [1] John D. Anderson, JR (1995). Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications .McGraw Hill, Inc. [2] Anderson, J.D. (1995). Computational Fluid Dynamics.…