Drug addictions and abuse are not solely an American problem. The drug problem is worldwide. Drug policies vary from country to country and are unique to their specific problems. Each country has developed its own policy in regards to illicit drug use, with varying degrees of tolerance and enforcement towards consumption-related behavior. (Gatto, 1999). Most drug policies across the world are based on a harm reduction, prevention, treatment, and an enforcement type of approach. (Valleriani and Macpherson, 2015). This paper will discuss the drug policies in Canada, England, and the Netherlands. It will also compare the policies and assess whether or not any of the policies from other countries would be viable in the United States. Canada’s…
large reduction in drug related deaths in the following years, statistics show that use of controlled substances has increased in a number of areas. Health actors in this policy area are very strongly tied to each stage of the policy cycle, including evaluation, and despite some successes, this policy has been evaluated as both positive and negative by different groups of health professionals (Hughes & Stevens, 2010). The final key actor in the drug policy space is the legal group. Under…
That Is the “War on Drugs”: A Wasteful Battle. The United States government is fighting an inefficient war, the ““War on Drugs””. Government officials need to rethink this war and its drug policy’s. In 1971 President Nixon launched what seemed like the right thing to do and started a drug prohibition. However, this “War on Drugs” is responsible not only for $51 billion of the United States debt but also discriminating people, overcrowding prisons and destroying people’s lives with non-violent…
In Jeffrey A. Miron’s Drug War Crimes: The Consequences of Prohibition, he discusses the current battle with the regulation and legalization of drugs in the United States and provides an analysis of the problems associated with prohibition. One important aspect of this book, which makes it an excellent, read and economic analysis of prohibition is that he plays both sides of the coin, providing arguments for both prohibitionists and people in favor of the legalization. However, his main point is…
U.S. Policy makers dominate the “War on Drugs” for them to arrest ordinary citizenship for their illegal drug substance usage. In the year of 1971, Richard Nixon, the former U.S. President, declared the war on drugs against America society who refused to comply with the law by using it. The purpose is to make waves of arrests of the general population. The budget to fund the federal war is in the trillions of dollars, which covers expenses of weaponry and enforcements so they can maintain…
back, the first laws pertaining to the illegalization of drugs started on a state and local level rather than federal. Anti-drug laws have been established in the United States with the earliest one dating back to an ordinance passed by San Francisco in 1875 against the use of opium dens (Fisher, 2014). Over the past 40 years, The War on Drugs is a phrase commonly associated with the United States government effort to eradicate the use and distribution of drugs by means of legislation and law…
Drug policies have become somewhat of a hot topic of discussion in Europe and the United States and many other countries all over the world. In many countries, there have been debates about the legalization and control of previously or currently illegal substances, and this could change the dynamic of drug consumption and trafficking in the future. In the European Union specifically, there is no unified drug policy that all of the member states must follow. The law is designed so that individual…
understanding the history of drugs in Sweden is important to understand the current policy that is in place. Sweden was one of the first Western European countries to experience a major drug epidemic in the 1960’s (Johannson). During that time the drugs were mostly stimulants and, at the time, not seen as addictive so people were able to purchase these drugs at local pharmacies with regulations. After some regulation problems began to occur. There was a trial set up with 110 drug-addicted…
reviewing other countries drug policies, Portugal has found an answer to the drug epidemic. Previously, Portugal was spending millions and getting nowhere. In the 90’s drug problems increased significantly. “In 1991, 4,667 people were arrested for drug offenses. By 1995, this number was up to 6,380 and by 1998, the figure was 11,395 or 235 percent of the 1990 figure” (Loo 52). “ In 1999, nearly one percent of the populations, a hundred thousand people, were heroin addicts, and Portugal…
When comparing the Hofstede’s 5 cultural dimension between the USA and the Netherlands, we found that there are not only some differences between the two countries, but some similarities as well. We found that both countries have a high number of individualism. The high number of individualism means that they truly only care for themselves and their immediate family. The power distance for both countries have a low score meaning that people in the Netherlands are independent and hierarchy is for…