meaning sacred writing. Of the many hundreds of saints, a few stand out in the history, Saints like Saint Peter, Paul, Thomas Aquinas, and Benedict. Among these influential Saints is Saint Dominic of Osma, founder of the Dominican Order, a mendicant religious order founded in 1216. Saint Dominic’s legacy was his order, and from that order grew a new…
grew all sorts of things, including medicinal herbs which she used to treat the sick. Her garden became a spiritual center of the city because the stories of her holiness had spread. She helped Jesus by helping other people. From the way Rose used her talents, I can learn to help everyone and anyone that needs help. I can do my best to help the sick and the less fortunate. One of the biggest obstacles that Rose met in her life was when her mother wanted her to marry because of how beautiful…
God, Design, and Critiques When discussing the arguments from design for God’s existence a few names transcend into our thoughts higher than the others. St. Thomas Aquinas, William Paley, and David Hume are these people. Aquinas was born in the year 1225 and was a Dominican monk. Paley was born in 1743 and worked as the archdeacon of Carlisle. Hume was a skeptical empiricist born in Scotland in 1711. They have used their brain power to write various literature discussing whether the design we…
I chose Saint John Bosco for my Confirmation Saint. John Bosco was born August 16th 1815 in Turin Italy and died January 31st 1888 in Turin Italy. His call to be an educator to the poor, troubled, and disadvantaged youth started when he was only nine years old. John dreamed he was in a large crowded field of children. All these children were misbehaving and acting like wild animals. When John tried to stop them by screaming and fighting, a man came to him and said “You will have to win these…
Frederick I and Henry VI. He died on March 7, 1274 at the Cistercian monastery of Fossanova, near Terracina, Latium, Papal States, Italy. As for his education, he attended university of Paris and University of Naples Federico II. He received the nicknames the dumb ox, the universal teacher, and the Christian apostle. His brilliancy wasn’t out of nowhere, as he was influenced by Aristotle, Augustine of Hippo, Plato, Socrates and a few others. During his time, he became a Dominican and eventfully…
I spent most of my time studying and developing my own ideas and views of logic. I discovered that logic could be classified into several categories. One of these categories is determination in time and space, which is extremely crucial in order to accomplish goals especially when a team is involved. The Hillcats need to understand and be able to interpret the true meaning of determination, and I will be able to assist the athletes in this area. The subject of determination is one that benefits…
The author I decided to investigate further was Junot Diaz. Junot Diaz is an interesting author, who I feel like writes about the daily lives of Dominicans, that not only Dominicans can relate to, but people of other ethnicities. Diaz’s work interests me mostly because of the way he tells it. I feel that his stories could be happening all around you, which uniquely goes to show the life like feel his works have in which it envelopes the reader into a scenario where they can place themselves…
The Lord of The Flies by William Golding presents conflicts that arise when society is uncivil. Within this novel, there are many items that have a deeper meaning. One of these important objects is the conch, which symbolizes civilization and order. Through the escalating tension surrounding the conch, Golding demonstrates that civilization cannot be kept in order forever because of individual ideas. After the tragic plane crash that stranded a group of British boys on an island,…
needed to talk to someone, and in all her years at the Tower, Melinda never turned anyone away. Nevertheless, she apologized, “I’m sorry to bother you, sister.” “My dear,” Melinda replied. “I am always here for you. Please sit. What brings you here?” Larah nodded and settled into a chair. She began haltingly, “The images ... from the Mirror.” Melinda motioned her to stop. “No one within the Order is allowed to help you interpret what you saw. Doing so risks altering the meaning of the images. It…
It was a dark kinda rainy night that Colt decided to call off work. He was sitting in his chair enjoying some coffee. He heard a call on the radio, that he still listened to even though he was off duty. That there was a convoy under attack and they needed backup asap. Colt decides to head to his man cave and get his gear. He first starts by grabbing his tight shirt and vest. Next he grabs his belt, cross, badge, his weapons, sunglasses, watch and his hat. Now he runs upstairs gets his wolf out…