Stoughton Police Sgt. James Sander died early Tuesday morning while responding to a train derailment and chemical spill scene two miles north of Stoughton. The train derailment occurred late Monday night just after the intersection with County Highway DD, about 15 miles outside of Madison. Eight tankers carrying a harmful chemical tipped over and some began leaking. The cause of the derailment remains unknown. Fourteen tankers are carrying the chemical anhydrous ammonia, which is extremely toxic to people, aquatic animals and classified as “dangerous for the environment” but the Environmental Protection Agency. Two workers on the train also died in conjunction to the train derailment. Police Sgt. Sander, 38, of the Stoughton Police Department…
William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is best known for his tragedies. 1601-1608 is the third period that belong to Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies and somber or bitter comedies. This is the peak period characterized by the highest development of his thought and expression. He is more concerned with the darker side of the human experience and its destructive passions. This period produces many great tragedies like Hamlet, Othello, All’s well that Ends well, and the most famous is Macbeth.…
Beowulf is a poem of epic proportions. Beowulf came from his homeland to Herot to help the Danes and king Hrothgar avenge the terror of Grendel. Beowulf had superhuman strength and used his power to gain money and glory from other people. He shows great power and courage when he is dueling with Grendel after, he realizes that weapons are impenetrable to Grendel and his mother. Therefore, the only way he could defeat him was in a hand to hand battle. In that battle, Beowulf managed to tear off…
Lifestyle Families are extremely important in the Danish society. Most families are small; however Danes will spend excessive amounts of money on their children. Families also take extra care of their homes because it reflects on the overall success of the family and their lifestyle. The family is the center of the social structure and children are raised to be independent very early in life. The government subsidizes child care, so often children are placed in day care as young as one year…
Romeo and Juliet Movie Comparison The classic play of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare has been turned into a movie which are directed by Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann. These two movies are similar and different in many ways and the directors of each play tried to put their spin on this classic play. There are many scenes which are different and similar but one is Act 5 Scene 3. One difference is that when Romeo came to find Juliet she was in a church while in the newer movie but…
Shakespeare vs Luhrmann Baz Luhrmann, the director of Romeo and Juliet 1996, did a wonderful job at turning the once classical play into a modern film that captivated and amazed the now demanding and uninterested audience. Luhrmann used techniques such as weapons, culture and props to keep the newer generation delighted and intrigued in the significantly monumental playwright of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare. In the 1996 film, Luhrmann used props such as new weaponry and…
Romeo and Juliet: Play-Text versus Movie Baz Luhrmann made some dramatic decisions, like adding characters, switching the roles of certain characters, and changing the meaning of certain lines when translating Act 1, Scene 1 of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet play-text into the 1996 full length film by the same title. In doing so, he made the movie more spontaneous and intense than a play-text can be, because as a film director he is able to utilize the flexibility of taking shot after…
Romeo and Juliet Essay When comparing both the 1968 Franco Zeffirelli movie version of Romeo and Juliet with the 1996 Baz Luhrmann movie of Romeo + Juliet, I feel that the newer movie by Baz Luhrmann is more effective. It is more effective because it is able to tell the story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare in a way that younger generations can understand. This 1996 version is easier to understand because people can relate to the movie as well as follow the storyline. Two specific…
In 1996, Baz Luhrmann defended his blockbuster film Romeo+Juliet, saying, "Everything that's in the movie is in the play. Violence, murder, lust, love, poison, even drugs that mimic death. - It’s all in there. It's just that we have come to associate productions of 'Romeo and Juliet' with a certain style”. It has been considered that perhaps Romeo+Juliet is an example of a triumph of style over content, in the worst possible way. However, it considers the universal truths from Shakespeare’s play…
After analyzing both the original (1968 version) and modern (1996 version) films of Romeo and Juliet, the original film is favored over the recent film in terms of accuracy of the plot, setting, and overall mood to the original play by Shakespeare. Although Luhrmann’s vision to appeal to the youth through a contemporary atmosphere was executed superbly, readers of the original play will find Zeffirelli’s interpretation of the film to be more authentic. Both films maintained the main theme of the…