Crocodiles Vs Alligators According to the National Park Service crocodiles and alligators belong to a group of reptiles called crocodilians, which are the largest of the living reptiles. Crocodiles and alligators are often mistaken for one another, because of their vast amount of similarities. How do people tell them apart? Crocodiles are considered an endangered species. They live in fresh or brackish water. Such as river estuaries, coastal lagoons, and mangrove swamps. The crocodile is distinguishable from its relative, the American alligator, by its long v shaped snout, its olive green or brown color, and its two long teeth that stick out from its jaw when its closed. Crocodiles eat small mammals, fish, crabs, frogs, insects, and birds. They have been known to attack humans, but are more likely to flee at the sight of them. Crocodiles spend more time in the water and are more active than the alligator. Alligators were saved from near extinction but are now thriving. They live in freshwater rivers, lakes, and swamps. The alligator is distinguishable from its relative, the crocodile, by its U shaped snout, its blackish/grey color, and by its no teeth showing jaw line. Alligators eat fish, turtles, snakes, and small mammals; but they will eat just about anything if they are hungry. Anderson 2 Although crocodiles and alligators have many differences, they also…
Alligators and Crocodiles are often mistaken to be the same reptile although they are very different. There are many physicals characteristics that will help you differentiate between the two reptiles. My goal is to teach you the similarities including their diets, aggression, and some of the physical aspects but also to show you the differences such as climate, lifespan, and their snout. First of all, alligators and crocodiles share a ton of the same physical features, although there are a…
Alligators Alligators are such great animals, and are often mistaken with Crocodiles but they are two totally different animals. Alligators have wide, flat and rounded snouts. Their food consists of fish, frogs, snakes, turtles, birds, and other mammals. They’ve even eaten deer and other cattle as well. They are also known to attack humans because they are territorial and the females protect their babies. They can survive a very wide range of temperatures, but are mostly found in more warm…
Alligators vs. Crocodiles Have you ever looked at a swamp and wonder if it was a crocodile you were observing or an alligator? If so then this essay will show you many differences to tell which is which it will also tell you various various similarities to why people mistake them for one another. They both have a lot of similar features and actions like rough skin and have some differences to help you tell you which you are looking at like most alligators have round snouts and crocodiles have…
The American Crocodile and American Alligator are commonly mistaken for the same animal, however they have fundamentally different characteristics. Although there are many different species of alligators and crocodiles, the American Crocodile and American Alligator will be compared and contrasted to ensure a more precise comparison. Crocodiles and Alligators are both large, predatory, aquatic dwelling reptiles that are part of the same order of animals, named Crocodylia. The American Alligator…
In biology, the scientific process of classifying organisms is taxonomy. Taxonomy relies on common characteristics between groups to classify them into an area in the taxonomic hierarchy. Both alligators and crocodiles share the same order, a taxonomic rank that groups together families sharing a similar nature or character, of crocodilia which includes mostly large, predatory, semiaquatic reptiles. The crocodilia order also includes caimans, gharials, and false gharials. This means that…
Comparative anatomy essay A study in comparison of Crocodilia to the major four vertebrate groups of mammal, bird, amphibian and bird and how these have evolved, and the differences between the groups and whether they are due to ancestry, development or adaptation. Crocodilians and birds are closest relatives in comparison to the major vertebrate groups as they share a common ancestor that existed around 240 million years ago. Crocodilians are reptiles having scaly bodies, breathing air and…
Left nearly unchanged for over 240 million years, crocodiles, alligators, and other crocodilia are basically our version of modern day dinosaurs (Graaf). Both lay eggs, both are territorial predators, and both are enormous reptilian animals. Yet despite their numerous similarities they differ in a few significant key area that it’s no wonder that they are commonly confused for one another. Although crocodiles and alligators are part of the same reptilian order, they are different due to they’re…
up to 150 words for each) Like all known organisms, they can be classified from the broadest level, domain level, down to the most specific, species. This process of classification is called taxonomy. The characterisation of these animals splits at the order level where the physical and ancestral differences warrant it. Although they are all reptiles, which means they do share a number of characteristics, their differences (genetic and in terms of characterises) mean they do not belong to the…