carrying a list, a list he claimed, he obtained from the Library of Athens. “This list that I hold here, has the names of men who have studied the works of Socrates and therefore must be taken into custody, and into trial.” A councillor took the list from Demetrius and examined it, and called the guard captain forth once more. “Captain, the men on this list are to be questioned, the Boule needs you to bring them forth.” The captain then took his guards and left the Agora to find the men on the list. “Now, to you young men here,” the councillor said, referring to the young men that had been apprehended with Socrates, “You now stand accused of aiding in the corruption of the Athenian youth, as well as atheism. Now, you may be able to avoid execution by admitting your wrongs and telling us of any other corruptors, er, students of Socrates.” Several of the young men, not wanting to die for merely thinking, gave names, names of those, as it was to be found, that had done them wrong in the past. Peristrato was now brought forward by the ever angrier assembly where he spat at the councilors in defiance. He said, “All of the men that stand here accused have done nothing wrong, and have only spoken about the truth. In troubled times like these, you petty councillors sit and squabble and look for a scapegoat to drive the people 's attention away from the real problems in our blessed city. You doubt the power and stability of our democracy yourselves, but you do not say…
The temperature outside was 73 degrees, but fuses were blowing at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. Continuing business from October’s meeting, councilmember Dale Reynolds requested that a special meeting be held in the interest of homelessness in the city. Having that meeting in the Multi-purpose Room with department heads from city agencies, two council members met on Wednesday to put their heads together to implement a way, to solve the ever growing problem. “Homeless people, whether they…
Bodies fell like apples from a tree to the ground in deep prayer and the sound of it echoed through the sanctuary of the Church of St. Valentine. At dire times such as this, extreme measures had to be taken. The blood of a pure youth, a delectable sacrifice in the eyes of their savior, filled the room with a certain smell that made the mind alert and the heart pound. Her blood spilled on the altar, the lifeless body of Maylene Lagorio looked like a sleeping angel’s in the light of the midnight…
1. Description and Resolution of the Event The October 6th Philadelphia City Council meeting afforded me the long awaited opportunity to see the inside of one of my favorite architectural landmarks. As a kid growing up not far from the city, I’d occasionally pass it during a family or school outing. Although still young, I was mesmerized and intrigued by its size and magnificent architectural details. For this reason, and in defiance of friend’s suggestion that I should just stay at home and…
Introduction For my project I visited the Flint City council to observe the process of the city meeting, there were six of my classmates present. I was the first one to arrive at the city hall. As everyone was arriving Kate Fields ward 4 introduced herself, and we identified as students from U of M Flint she shared that she is a professor at the University with a MSB program. Eric Mays from ward 1, introduced himself as well. There were about fifteen community members sitting along the wall of…
In this paper, I will reflect my experience of attending the Saint Paul City Council meeting. I will share on how awards and grants by Saint Paul City Councils approve projects, programs, and strategies to improve the capital in Saint Paul. In addition, I will go into details of the City of Saint Paul source of funding to provide awards and grants to proposals made by the City of Saint Paul residents. I then will discuss a proposal that was discussed by the proposer and the Saint Paul City…
Electronic Submission Coversheet TO BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT By electronically submitting this work, I certify that: • This assignment is my own work • It has not previously been submitted for assessment • Where material from other sources has been used it has been acknowledged properly • This work meets the requirement of the University’s ethics policy Student Name: Dowua Ben Hamou Student Number : Q10813926 Faculty: FSBE Level of study: 4 Course title: Business Management…
Group 3 Professor Eligah King BA 3300 4/19/2017 City Council Project This project was very insightful, we had never sat down to really think about the pressures that City Council goes through in order to pass or deny motions. In this exercise, we find ourselves needing to make a decision within a very limited time frame. We gave the community a chance to voice their ideas on the use of donated land and ways in which it would benefit…
I traveled to the government center in toledo to attend a meeting with a small group of government students. Along the way, we got lost but eventually found the tall white building that one of our friends described to us as the government center. I found a parking spot and paid the parking meter. We walked the rest of the way in the unpredicted humid May weather. The building was refreshingly cool; the inside was presented in a sophisticated manner. I could not help but feel out of place in my…
If I, Paige Rodewald, were mayor of Council Bluffs I would make changes that would help Council Bluffs. I would do my best to make CB the best it can be. I would create a city, citizens would be proud to live in. The problems I would consider is are redesigning the mall of the bluffs, more sidewalks, and more communities activities. If I were mayor of CB, the first I would consider is to renovate the mall of the bluffs. Mall of the bluffs was once one of the most popular things in CB. If the…