The Primitive Accumulation and the Double-Movement. The excessiveness of the oil industry in the Delta region has disposed of the owners of the Niger Delta lands. This dispossession emanates from the manner in which capitalism puts production and profit making above other interests in the region. According to Karl Marx, “the capitalist system can be none other than the process that takes away from the laborer the possession of his means of production.” Marx would say that the behavior of Nigerian government and the corporations have “divorced the producers (the Niger Delta people) from their means (the lands and rivers) of production.” Having watched the modus operandi of these companies led the native’s to conclude that transnational corporations’…
Collating results of a paper-administered surveys will require additional efforts than it would if done electronically. The survey design assumes that respondents have attained basic literacy level to read and internalize the materials. It is likely that the most impoverished population, those who can not read or write, will be excluded from the survey. The structured interview will partly address this bias. Also, access to rebels in the Niger Delta creeks will present challenges. It is probably…
externalities of mining: policy recommendations. In the words of Joseph Stiglitz, “corporations are in the business of making money, not providing charity.” Since corporations are in business to maximize profit, they hold themselves accountable to their stockholders rather than to the stakeholders where such businesses are located. The desire to minimize cost while maximizing profit weakens the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility. The Corporate Social Responsibility is not…
Niger Introduction: Niger is a landlocked and developing country in western Africa, named after the Niger River and officially the Republic of Niger. It is bordered by Chad in the east, Burkina Faso and Mali in the west, Nigeria and Benin in the south and Algeria and Libya in the north. Niger covers a land area of 1,267,000 square kilometres and with estimated population of 11,666,000. History of Niger: Thousands of years ago, Niger had wet and favorable conditions for agriculture and…
Nigeria is plagued by conflicts between various ethnic groups, issues of widespread government corruption and ineffectiveness, and by conflicts concerning the production and sale of oil. These problems are all especially evident in the Niger Delta. As a resident of the Niger Delta and an ethnic minority within Nigeria, I have a unique perspective on the situations at hand, as well as how they aught to be remedied. I hope to see citizens of the Delta gain an increased amount of regional…
Coverage of the Niger Delta Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Government and Privately Owned Newspapers in Nigeria” was motivated by the need to check crises in the country as well as proffer solution to resolving the crisis in the Niger Delta region especially as the crisis had taken a rather horrendous dimension in recent years. The media have been said to be at the fore front of the crisis, either escalating or helping to resolve the crisis. The purpose of the study was to find out whether…
Consequently, this study focuses on how human rights violation by both military and civilian regimes contributed to conflict escalation in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. The study will contribute to the debate on how human rights violation by a particular regime influences the escalation of conflict. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Human rights violations are usually associated with conflict. That is why a former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, argued that…
Human rights violation has been a major challenge in Nigeria over the years. Since independence in 1960, the country has experienced both military and civilian regimes which have been accused of human rights violation. The failure of these regimes to ensure respect for human rights has contributed to several cases of violent conflicts in different parts of Nigeria. The situation in the Niger Delta area is not different. The Niger Delta is basically the area in which petroleum production takes…
Zac Uberoi Environmental Docs The goal of Sandy Cioffi’s film, Sweet Crude, is to tell the untold story of oil in the Niger Delta. Coiffi intended to persuade her audience to think deeper and differently about the issue, instigating a fight for global awareness and non-violent political solutions. Joe Berlinger’s film, Crude The Real Price of Oil, attempts to send a very similar message. Examining the case between Chevron and Ecuador, Crude tells a story about Ecuadorian disenfranchisement and…
be that circumstances like Horizontal inequalities where the prevailing regime plot to keep resource-rich underdeveloped communities or regions marginalised; and that these same condition also create other domestic pressures – economic, socio-political, or increased tension of another nature – which result in heightened risk of conflict. Assuming the two events are causally linked, there is no reason why causality should run in only one direction. For example, just as resource dependence could…