Many gardeners may not be aware that common items from around the house can start off a healthy, nutritious garden. Composting is one of the ways to retain a well-maintained garden while avoiding chemical fertilizers. Using compost in your garden has been known to be beneficial in building a sustained garden due to its spectrum of essential plant nutrients. Using compost as a organic fertilizer is an important factor in maintaining a healthy garden because it is cost effective, convenient, saves resources, while helping improve plant development. Though compost provides the necessary nutrients for plants, some are concerned about the cost of composting. According to the “Green Action Centre,” compost is very cost effective and helps…
though; composting. A school of two-hundred students produces three-thousand pounds of waste from their cafeteria each year, over half of which can be recycled, greatly reducing how much garbage goes into landfills. Composting should be required in schools. It costs very little, can give students a great learning opportunity, and helps the environment. Making an on-site bin composting system only costs around four-hundred dollars while giving students a great learning opportunity, unless the…
Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi help the process of decomposition happen (The Science of Composting). There are also macro-organisms, such as centipedes, worms, snails, and even spiders (The Science of Composting). Oxygen is needed for microbes to try to decompose waste efficiently; it wont stink as bad in the end if the area is kept well aerated (Chapter 1, The Decomposition Process). If oxygen levels are lower than 5 percent, it will cause the pile to go anaerobic, meaning it will get…
Food Safety laws The FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) 2011 and the 1967 Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) are among the Acts that regulate food safety. FSMA gives FDA the authority ensures food-imports into the U.S meets standards set for domestic food. FDA should also come up with an integrated national food safety system in partnership with state and other authorities. FMIA requires USDA to inspect all animal meat processed for human consumption and be responsible for setting…
smaller bin to keep the worms in, the bin must have ¼ of an inch sized holes, evenly spaced on one of the bins, for ventilation. place the smaller bin in the larger bin, elevated so the worm casting can be collected; And so the worms may crawl through. It may be smart to place a damp piece of cardboard at the bottom of the small bin, it decomposes rather quickly, and worms love to eat it.The worms will need to eat actual food, that’s where you come in to spare scraps of food that you couldn 't…
With numbers like this we don’t have the luxury of continuing on this path of submissive self-destruction, something has to change, the materials we use for packaging has to change. One way to accomplish this seemingly unattainable goal is by using bio-packaging, packaging that is derived from plant based polymers that are both renewable and compostable (Johansson, et al., 2012). In the United States the leading method of packaging waste disposal is landfill, followed by, a not so close second,…
Assignment IEM2 - Barrier to innovation OR Individual vs group creativity OR use a SCAMPER technique to create solution to a problem - and test it Scamper technique to create solution to problem One of the most important aspects of home composting is composting food scraps. Food scrap items such as meal leftovers, vegetables and fruit waste, tea bags, stale bread and grains and everyday general refrigerator spoilage are an everyday occurrence in most households. In my experiment, I would be…
Mid Term Goal (6 months) 5.Expand front of house composting in Student Center East- Long Term Goal Responsible Parties- Director of Campus Auxiliary Services- help prepare new composting bins Office of Sustainability- Help organizes the event and recruit volunteers. May help with compost signage Director of Facilities Management- Develop adequate procedures for handling influx of compost streams The Delta Institute – The Field Museum recruited intern/volunteers/workers from the Delta…
your waste stream? List ten. "If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production." (Pete Seeger) This quote is right to the point of if products should be made or not. Recycling is a huge problem in the world today there are so many problems with landfills and technology being thrown out or shipped out of the country illegally. If people just took a little bit of time to…
do I do with all this “junk” ?” Do I throw everything I no longer need or want out to end up in landfill or is there a better alternative? My partner and I went through everything we owned and rather than throw anything we did notwant to take with us into a skip we chose where possible to find homes for them. Friends made use of some of the things we had, large piles of books, electronics, furniture and good clothes, some of them hardly used were donated to charities like the salvations army,…