In geometry, congruence means the figures have the same measure and shape. For a student to effectively discuss congruence they must first recognize the figure and its attributes. To achieve this, the learner must be able to differentiate one figure from another. To compare figures and establish that one is congruent to the other or not, the student pulls on an understanding of shapes. To prove congruence, the student makes connections with axioms, properties, analysis, and logic. The study of congruence progresses through the five Van Hiele levels, from recognition of shape to using axiomatic systems within systems. By working with the concept of congruence, the teacher can develop higher-level thinking in the students. With Van Hiele, the higher levels are reached by mastering the lower levels. The Van Heile hierarchy does not allow the educator to assume that “lower level” thinking is unimportant and thus dismiss it to go on to the richer, higher levels. For the most part, the TEKS follow the Van Hiele progression as they introduce and develop the concept of congruence. Fortunately, the TEKS emphasize lower level geometric concepts. A good foundation for geometric reasoning is taught in Kindergarten. In kindergarten, the TEKS indicate that the students begin to identify and generalize the properties of squares and triangles, TEKS (6)(A) and K(6)( E). They sort and classify figures “regardless of orientation and size”. The student will build on this ability…
credibility of the pragmatic theory of truth in contest to the coherence theory. Although some scholars support different components of the coherence theory, I will discuss the issues that delegitimizes the entire premise of this theory. This paper will provide an outline of the coherence and the pragmatic theory of truth through a condensed analysis of works/research conducted from different philosophers. Subsequently, I plan to argue against the coherence theory by providing examples and…
Meaning that the theory bases the truth of a belief on how well it gets along with other beliefs in a belief system. For example: if you are in a fraternity, they have a set of beliefs to follow. If one belief claims that all brothers can be a part of another fraternity, while still an active member of the first fraternity, then this belief would have no truth, because the belief system is based around that one fraternity. It would be impossible for two conflicting beliefs to be true under…
Referee’s Report JOSA B Manuscript ID 273944 PAPER DESCRIPTION In the paper titled “Non-Markovian coherence and entanglement transfer in a quantum version of Newton’s cradle”, Mu and co-author have presented the quantum analog of the classical Newton’s cradle. An array of couple cavities (coupled with a common Markovian and non-Markovian environment) with nearest neighbor hopping interaction between the cavities, has been selected as the quantum cradle. In the case of quantum cradle with…
true statement or belief true, what makes a false statement or belief false, what do true statements have in common, and what do false statements have in common (DeWitt). There is not a proper solution as to what makes a statement or belief true, but there are theories that DeWitt explains in the chapter “Truth.” DeWitt proposes two main theories of truth they are the correspondence theories of truth and the coherence theories (DeWitt). The correspondence theory of truth states that something…
seemingly similar justification. Separating these theories are their internal coherence. Another commonly held account of truth is The Coherence Theory of Truth. This theory, though equally varied as the Correspondence Theory of Truth, maintains that the truth of any true proposition rest in its coherence or philosophic consistency within a set of all relevant propositions and that a more philosophically consistent set of beliefs is epistemically preferable to a less rigorously maintained set…
A short story is brief but has to contain meaningful story to make readers interested. Even if a story has mass of ideas or has a good and long structures, people will not focus on reading and start quitting reading if it is too complicated. Also, a story affects totality. Totality can define unity. So, a short story unifies ideas by holding each person’s single emotion. Edgar Allan Poe, who made the theory of short story, insists a short story is all about “brevity and the necessary coherence…
questions bothered the intellectual minds of philosophers centuries ago. Philosophers look at truth in three different ways: The pragmatic theory of truth, The coherence theory of truth, and The correspondence theory of truth. Amongst all the theories of truth, The correspondence theory of truth seems to be…
to the practical application that can be explored in mathematics, which show the production of knowledge. For instance, one interesting angle in mathematics that can be explored and which I truly enjoy is managing finances. My father asks me to find certain ratios such as the net profit ratio. This helped determine whether my father’s business was profitable or not. Production of knowledge is shown here since an idea or theory is used to determine something. The coherence theory of truth in this…
Three Bases for Evaluating Essay Writing The three bases for evaluating writing are unity, coherence and support. These fundamentals must be present for effective writing. Unity is parallel structure and overall flow. Coherence is clarity throughout the essay, and support/evidence provide the specific details that support and validate the main idea of an essay. These fundamentals of writing must all be present in any genre of writing. Unity in writing ensures effective and cohesive structure…