transgenderism as just another lifestyle, the push to legalize illicit drugs, ubiquitous pornography, half the population born out of wedlock and euthanasia are all accepted as business as usual in contemporary America. It goes without saying that raising this generation of children differs greatly from the one in which we were raised. Life is layered and complex. Things may be peaceful now as many are consumed with the drama of everyday living, but that seems to be changing. There is an uneasy mood that is metastasizing as our once resilient and independent culture cracks around us. No culture can endure this kind of self-depravity and the fraying of its social fabric where evil is accepted as good. Charles Kesler of Claremont McKenna College wrote, “Every republic eventually faces what might be called the Weimar problem. It arrives when a nation’s civic culture has become so debased that the nation no longer has the virtues necessary to sustain republican government.” As Americans, we have arrived at that critical internal juncture of our own psyche. Things may appear normal, but it isn’t and if you’re being honest; you already know it. Change is everywhere shifting like the daily sunset. A converging cold and dank front is moving across the American fruited plain camouflaged in the cloak of political correctness that to the Founding Fathers would be masked tyranny. The veneer of civilization can be terrifyingly thin. For a culture to thrive it…
About the Authors Craig Evans is the John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins and Dean of the School of Christian Thought at Houston Baptist University in Texas. He is a graduate of Claremont McKenna College, received his M.Div. from Western Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Claremont Graduate University in southern California. He has also been awarded the D.Habil. by the Karoli Gaspar Reformed University in Budapest. A…
Ultimately, Ayahuasca history cannot be traced through the ages, however some facts are able to be found regarding this plant native to the Amazon. To begin with, Dennis McKenna’s article “Ayahuasca: An Ethoparmacologic History” says, “The origin of the use of ayahuasca in the Amazon Basin are lost in the mists past of prehistoric” (McKenna). The history of this enlightening tea is only known to the people looking to obtain higher consciousness and to the shamans that hold the keys of…
James Turrell has won many awards because of his unique way of displaying his works of art. His pieces include the movements of Contemporary, Minimalism, and Optical Art. When you first see his work, you might not even consider it art. However, once you learn about his intentions, you hopefully will see the beauty and determination hidden behind the plain displays. James Turrell was born on May 6, 1943. He lived in Los Angeles for most of his life and went to Pasadena High School and…
Most Juniors and Seniors dread the moments they take the SAT and ACT. Getting up early with their Ticonderoga pencils and calculators is nothing but stressful. The college process alone is difficult and stressful, and the SAT and ACT only makes it worse. A majority of colleges and universities in the U.S require students to take the ACT or SAT for college admission purposes. According to the New York Times, “1,666,017 students took the ACT last year; 1,664,479 took the SAT”. College admissions…
Discrimination, and Corruption in the Multibillion-Dollar Business of College Admissions Testing. My reason for choosing this paper is the way she presents her argument because she provides a personal reason why she is writing about the subject of college admissions testing and writes the paper very technically which is the way I prefer to think. Her goal for this paper is to show colleges that college admission testing puts extra stress on students and lowering the stakes will improve their…
The Day I Choose LCC Have you ever thought about what college you would attend and how successful you would be? Well I have, as child I would imagine what college I would attend and would I be able to succeed. I imagined how collage would be, would I attended a large university or a small local community college. Students may even worry about the ACT and SAT and how successful will they be when taking those two extremely important tests. Luckily, I choose a school that didn 't stress me out…
children to work hard, do well, and earn a college degree, then they will get a job. Many would argue that this philosophy helped the older generation be successful in their educational and post-educational careers, so it should not be changed; however, in the words of Ken Burns, “the problem is that the current system of education was designed…
Up program was introduced, I had a fair idea of what I was intending to study, but I remained unsure and had made no further necessary decisions about my post-secondary education. The reason I had not even thought about what university I wanted to go to or what career I wanted to pursue was due to a lack of resources and guidance. My parents, although always supportive of me, were limited as to what they could help me with when it came to making academic decisions beyond high school as they had…
Many say that American high schools teach students to learn how to take standardized tests on writing, rather than actually prepare them for college. Therefore, most secondary students are entering college without an understanding of how to meet demands of college writing beyond the prescribed “standard five-paragraph essay.” Susan Fanetti’s “Closing the Gap between High School Writing Instruction and College Writing Expectations” examines the discrepancy between American high schools and their…