knowledge could be found outside the material world. Secondly, both the Epicureans and the Stoics held an empirical view of philosophy. Both were mainly interested in what our senses could provide us. The Epicureans especially so. Their somewhat hedonist views show this. Another similarity between the two would be their love for system building. Both sought to build a philosophical system to not only apply to their lives, but to all of humanity to ‘cure the world of anxiety.’ Lastly they both shared similar ideas concerning free will. Although for completely different reason, they both sought to keep free will and moral responsibility. For the Epicureans, it was the ‘swerve’ that could alter the chain of determinism. Whereas, for the Stoics, Chrysippus attempted to combine determinism and…
How do we live ‘according to nature’ in the Stoic doctrine? Do you agree with this doctrine? Stoicism is one of the branches of ancient philosophy originally founded by Zeno of Citium (300 BC). What is Stoicism? Stoic philosophy is not a series of philosophical claims about the nature of the world, of what we can know or what is right or wrong. Instead, Stoicism is commonly described to be an attitude, a way of life (Sellar, 2006). More importantly, the stoics have repeatedly stated in their…
free will and choice as important elements to their views. 4. Why does Chrysippus think that there cannot be uncaused motions, and what conclusion does he derive from this? Chrysippus’s argument against uncaused motions is a direct attack on the Epicurean notion of the “swerve.” By swerve, Epicurus refers to an unpredictable motion. That is to say, it has no cause. For Chrysippus, this is not possible. For him, a difference in effect implies a difference in cause or background conditions…
comes from this that these passions (or emotions) are perceived by most stoics to be considered bad. The underlying basis of this can be attributed to Didymus who poses that emotions are excessive impulses that betray and cloud reason (Stoics, 1987). Deductively it can be suggested that the Stoic’s view emotions as bad because: 1) Emotions are a hindrance of reason. 2) Reason is necessary for self-actualization. Therefore, emotions are bad as they impede the pursuit of the purpose for existence…
Fate vs. Free will This essay is going to be about whether our lives are decided by fate or by free will in the book Oedipus. In the book Oedipus is a cursed child because his father's mistake. His father, Laius, was a tutor for a boy named Chrysippus, and Laius kidnapped him and took him to thebes. Then hHe was cursed and couldn't get married or his whole line would be cursed. This is an example of free will. It might not have been fate that this was supposed to happen it was his choice to…
Jocasta and Laius, who was of the house of Labdacus and was cursed by the gods for his abduction and rape of Chrysippus the son of Pelops. Were told upon Oedipus birth that he would kill his father and marry his mother. In order to prevent this from happening they had the infant exposed. Oedipus is rescued and raised by the king and queen of Corinth. He is told by the oracle that he will kill his father and marry his mother. This causes him to leave town in order to avoid this fate and in doing…
have an adverse effect on his destiny as result of the gods’ power, elucidating the gods as an external force that assist in predetermining his inevitable fate. In fine, one of the predominate determining forces in Oidipous’ downfall is that of the gods as their omnipotence and punishing nature. Oidipous’ parents, Laios and Iokaste, are also identified as external forces responsible for Oidipous’ downfall. Laios in particular, in reference to the curse on the house of Labdakos (Labdakos as…