2009 Camera d’Or Cannes Film Festival winner ‘Samson & Delilah’ really hits the nail on the head, presenting a raft of Indigenous issues, with incredibly real acting adding authenticity. Although it is not like a typical boy-meets-girl film, it has a powerful message for all viewers. Set in Central Australia, the film portrays the love story of two Indigenous teenagers. The story follows Samson (Rowan McNamara), a 15-year-old petrol sniffing teenager with no discernible future, and Delilah (Marissa Gibson), a 16-year-old Indigenous girl who tends to the needs of her grandmother, Kitty (Mitjili Gibson), who is an artist. After a slow start – one which reflects the tediousness of life in the small outback community - the story quickly jumps…
In 2002, the critically acclaimed documentary “Bowling for columbine” was released by left-wing activist, Michael Moore, which displays his bias and negative opinion towards America’s second amendment and much of what it represents. Moore uses a vast variety of documentary techniques to illustrate the uncontrollable and hazardous nature of gun and general weapon accessibility in America and how changes are needed as it promotes violence. As seen in the film, Moore uses many documentary devices…
Conflicts of Persepolis Persepolis is a story based upon the life and coming to age of Marjane Satrapi. Through out the story, Marjane and the people around her face many conflicts such as war and oppression. The author, whom is also the main character, utilizes external, interpersonal, and internal conflicts to create multiple themes around society and women. The anecdote begins in the 1970's where Marjane is a young girl living among her family in Iran. The first major external conflict is…
In the book Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, her childhood memories explain the difficulties within society. Although there were many changes, students were separated by gender due to the Islamic Revolution. Boys were in one room while girls were in another. Many students were not able to see each other. Most girls in the panel were depressed or upset. On the other hand, the boys seemed content. Girls were forced to wear veils. In this chapter, The Veil, Martyrs come into the town and tear down…
In the graphic novel Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi, every black-and-white drawing contains a figurative or underlying meaning on what each represents. Specifically on page 10 of the novel, there is a drawing on the 3rd row of cluttered subjects piled up, looking gravely. These people are the center of the illustration, and next to the group of more than 22 people, is a five-wheeled bicycle that is meant for multiple people to ride on. All of the people are melancholy and some even have…
People are affected by culture everyday of their life; sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad way. A girl named Marjane Satrapi in the autobiography Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi was impacted by a cultural revolution. Turning her life turn upside down. Over the course of a few years she had turned from a child to a young teen, experiencing the violence of war and eventually moving to Austria without her family. She was impacted greatly by the government, social organization, and changing…
Marjane Satrapi, author and main character of both Persepolis books, used a very unique way of portraying the message she was trying to get across in Persepolis. Showing her younger self’s point of view was one of these unique ways, as it gave more perspective on the conflict and impact war had on different ages. Although this is a very helpful and unique style she used in her writing, the fact that Persepolis contains pictures, and is in black and white is the most obvious of her writing style.…
Is it fair for a government to not be transparent? Is it right to manipulate a countries government for the better of your own? The answer to both of theses questions are no. The massacre at El Mozote and Persepolis are a book and a film that allow our minds to go back in time and experience two very different but very similar historical moments. Both of which had jurassic effects on what is the world today. Some differences between the two are the location of where each event happened. The…
Love is a feeling that is seen not only in relationship, but between friends, family, and those feelings are stronger than those with someone in a relationships with a love, People make many types of sacrifices for love, they can be sacrifices for time, money, attention, and physical. People sacrifice time for love, There are times when time is scorse but people will sacrifice their time for loved or something. An example to describe this argument is the love that parents show, because they…
This past summer my youth group went on a missions trip to Ohio, and one day we went to Columbus to visit a ministry called Lower Lights. At one point during the day we entered the owner 's house, and she started to tell a group of us the history of the house. She explained that an arsonist had burnt the house down a couple years previously and everything was consumed by the fire with the exception of a portrait hanging on the wall. As I walked into the home, my eyes locked onto the warped…