When I pushed open the bathroom door I couldn't move. There lying on the floor was my son's blue blanket and his pajamas, but no baby. AH, i screamed. My husband, will came running into the room, what's wrong mary. Our baby boy is dead I said. Will quickly pulled out his phone and had 911 on speed dial in a snap. Hello, the operator said. What's your emergency? My baby boy is has been kidnapped. Ok, what's your address? 194 Oak Hill. Ok, the cops will be on their way, stay calm. Then the line went dead. He was our only child what are we gonna do? I asked. Well, find him don't worry. Then there was a knock on the door but it wasn't a cop, it was a ransom note with no person. I'll read it I said. We have your baby however he is very cold. I hope you can come to agreements with me and give me what I ask for. I want 50,000 in untraceable cash, by march fifth (5 days) Midnight. If you fail to do so your baby will be called bye bye. Send the money to your vacation camp P.s I have cameras everywhere there so I know your tricks. Uh oh, I said. Where are we gonna find 50,000 dollars in 5 days? I have been keeping a secret bank account in our name, will said. But in it is only 19,000 dollars. That's not even half. Well, my friend Tracy owes me 4,000 bucks for bets, but that's only 23,000. Well, we better get thinking. That's when we heard another knock at the door, and this time standing outside was a police officer. Hi, he asked, may I come in. Yes please do I said. Make yourself…
having knowledge of both sides of an argument. This relates to Berry’s essay because being well informed leads to a better understanding of another person’s point of view. Ultimately, as more citizens become educated, the fundamentalist nature of politics and religion should slowly cease to exist. Overall, the ability to compromise and make concessions with each other is critical to ensure the world is united behind a common set of values. The fundamentalism of politics starts with the ongoing…
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Media 's definition of Reality Television: Within television there are more than just one category of reality TV, with some testing the abilities of the human body through shows like American Ninja Warrior as well as reality shows that enforce people to live together and cause drama on camera, an example being Big Brother. Reality television is a huge genre that contains hundreds of different ideas and focuses that cannot really be described by a definition. These…
onto you and basically shoved down your throat. In the morning we would start off with a mining prayer, before we ate lunch we had to say a prayer, and before we left for the day we were required to say a prayer. Also at least once a month, the school held a mandatory church ceremony and even children that were not catholic were required to participate and attend it. I believe that the rules in the schools I attended were a lot more relaxed compared to Christian or other religious themed…
theory that describes the nature of space, time, and gravity. This theory allows for expansion the fabric of space. In 1917, astronomer Willem De Sitter applied this theory and showed that the universe could be expanding. This was revolutionary because accepted view at the time was that the universe was static in size. Also the universe was considered infinite at one point in time but the Big Bang proved that the universe had to have a history and a beginning. (2)According to Chris LaRocco and…
kept coming. Big G was just one of those guys that you noticed as soon as he walked in. His energy could be felt as soon as he entered a room and his voice usually filled the whole place too. His name is description enough for what he was to me and everybody else. Big G. When I first met him I thought the name Big G was just so Gino and his…
Corduan has taken the liberty of defining the five traits of an infinite being, but he merely failed at applying these traits to the right thing. There is one, and only one, observable thing that fits these criteria, and that is the universe itself. The universe is not restricted by space and time, in fact the universe is even called space because it is nothing but. The definition of the universe includes everything in the universe, and therefore can not be changed by anything but itself.…
looking at the world. There are so many different perspectives and idea out there that not allowing yourself to consider them doesn’t seem very smart to me. This semester we have read many interesting things about life and the universe, and I have tried to understand most of the thoughts and ideas in the books we have read. By allowing myself to keep an open mind to new ideas, I believe has helped me to learn many new things from the books we have read this semester. Things that not only are…
I believe that all throughout this novel people can get the same reaction as I get. This novel has so many truths that can be revealed. This novel may take place in 1948 but it’s still relevant to our world today because it can provide much information that can inform us how the world was, how it is now, and how it will be, that’s another reaction I get from the novel. I get another reaction that the way Orwell portrays the world in the time of 1948 can relate to how I live in this world today.…
After studying about evolution i started to look at all the facts about how we evolved from monkey and the earth was made from the big bang and the moon is actually a piece of the earth that was caught in the earth gravitonal pull when a astroid struck the earth. I said to my self hey these are hard facts they have proven all of this they show it in my science books and they teaching us this in school so this must be true. Well my Friend was I ever wrong! My parents had put me in religion…