Original Orgin Story In Batman: The Animated Series (est; 1992), Paul Dini, the creator of the now lovable Harley Quinn, decided Joker needed a more prominent henchman, or maybe even a henchwoman. The inspiration of the character came from one of Paul Dini's dear friend, Arleen Sorkin, in 'Days of Our Lives' where she dressed up in a jester costume and had the voice and look inspiration he needed to make Harley Quinn. When Harley's design was complete and ready to be put into Bruce Timm's cartoon, Arleen Sorkin voiced the character, as she was the inspiration, and Harley's first appearance was in the epsiode 'Joker's Favor'. Viewers of the cartoon immediately adored Joker's new henchwoman, and she became more prominent within the show, leading to a orgin story called Batman…
The television show romanticizes the abusive relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker. The Joker repeatedly belittles and physically abuses Harley in all versions of the Batman Comics, television shows, and movies. The Joker, more than often, pushes and strikes Harley when they are alone and in public. In the worst case, the Joker pushes her out of a window, causing her to lose consciousness. Through all the abuse these character faces, the television show continually makes a joke out of…
such as and have similarities that main characters have superpowers and live a double life as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Most of them are about the good triumphing over the evil and also follows this formality. The only difference is that Batman made and raised his power by using fabulous power with his own choice and volition. The success of series created other superhero series such as (2000) and (2002), and the public response to these movies were very positive. As an industry, Hollywood…
Harleen Frances Quinzel were talking about Batman. Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel started to fall in love with the Joker. Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel started to realize that Batman stopped making Joker happy. So she thought it was wrong that she was falling in love with the Joker, but she loved him and she thought that Joker loved her too. So on January 6th Dr.Harleen Frances Quinzel helped joker escape the mental hospital in Gotham city. Joker just about killed Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel. She was…
Ice and how its seen Ice, frozen water that is very brittle. That is the definition of ice. While it may have one definition it can be interpreted in many different ways around the world. Depending on who you're speaking to they might interpret ice as cold and unforgiving. However, another person might say that ice is the breath of god. The symbolic meaning of ice can be seen in literature with Game of Thrones, Film with Futurama and Batman, art with ice sculptures, religion with…
famous caped crusader Batman. His role as Daredevil, another costumed do-gooder, is one of the reasons that he is being doubt for the role. I myself was among the first to hear about this decision and as a teen in this day and age immediately took to Twitter only to find more hatred and scrutiny for the actor. Within minutes #BetterBatmanThanBenAffleck became trending worldwide. This choice for the next Batman has sparked a mix of emotions and feelings in many people and it has been greatly…
The Dark Knight is a story about a well-known superhero, Batman, and his crime fighting adventures against villains, specifically, the Joker. There are a lot of different points in this movie that prove it really is an outstanding piece of art. Rotten Tomatoes, a website that gives a percentage rating based off of positive review ratings, gave The Dark Knight a 94 percent. There are a lot of things done well, like an interesting plot, well developed characters, thrilling scenes, and excellent…
The Dark Night trilogy set the gold standard for the characters Batman, and the Joker. Every casual movie goer or critic would tell you that the most recent portrayal of each of these characters isn’t as good as the Dark Night Trilogy characters. With the flop of Man of Steel, and Batman vs. Super Man, Warner Brothers, the company making DC films, wanted to take a lot of control away from directors, and unfortunately the first movie to take such directions was 2016’s “Suicide Squad” by David…
the knife and begins to recite why his mouth has slits in it. As she struggles to move her head away from his grip the soundtrack gets louder. The tension drops as soon as the Batman comes out to save Rachel. The Joker has lost his power. However, when the Joker manages to grab Rachel admits the confusion, his song beings to play again, This time the tension is between Batman, the Joker, Rachel as well as the audience. When Batman tells him to “let her go” the Joker knows he has won the fight by…
[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/pYFzTCi.jpg[/img][h1][color=dimgray][b]C A T W O M A N[/b][/color][/h1][sup][color=dimgray]"My world is all just shades of grey, Batman. That's why you'll never really understand me."[/color][/sup][h3][sup][sup][color=dimgray]S E L I N A K Y L E [color=dimgray]♦[/color] 02 F E B R U A R Y 1975 ( F O R T Y-T W O ) [color=dimgray]♦[/color] F E M A L E [color=dimgray]♦[/color] N E U T R A L [/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][/CENTER][COLOR=dimgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C…