Malaysia’s electoral institutions are not neutral but heavily biased in favor of Barisan National. This attempt at keeping oppositional parties repressed is exemplified in Malaysian laws that impose strict conditions in hosting political gatherings causing opposition parties to meet in confined locations or within party premises to avoid applying for police permits (Lecture, 9/12). Opposition parties are also effectively excluded from access to mainstream media outlets during campaigning, while propagandized adverts on BN candidates and allied political parties like MCA and MIC flood the media scene. Because opposition parties do not have access to mainstream media and generally hold political gatherings at a grassroots level to promote the party 's platform and criticize the ruling coalition, they continue to stay subordinate and lack the resources necessary to truly challenge Barisan National but more specifically UMNO (Pepinsky 90). When it was possible, the government had sought to integrate oppositional figures but in times of conflict, harsh measures were employed to repress oppositional progress. The most infamous case was the treatment of prominent opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim who was subject to administrative…
He said that PERKASA is a militant organisation . Besides , PERKASA also receive both ruling and opposition party member . From the opposition , the former opposition leader , Lim Kit Siang, that PERKASA for re-using the religion, race and nationalism card when it’s been ‘proven absolute and irrelevant in bringing progress and change to Malay social and economic development”. The former Prime Mister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Mahathir Mohamed had support the tacit when the latter attended its…
the report may defame the nation and The government also will not tolerate with the journalist that publish the official secret of the government. Two reporters which is one of them comes from News Straits Times , Sabri Shariff and one from Far Eastern Economic Reviews, James Clad was suspected to publish the government official secret. The people choose the freedom in the circle of law. In Malaysia we are using democracy system which is the people have the right to choose which…
this generation is looking for a government that has integrity and practices transparency. This is physically manifested in their participation in interest group activities such as Gerakan Mansuh ISA which is against the Internal Security Act and Bersih on fair elections. The votes and political participation of the millennials are an interest to the government and the opposition. During the 13th general election, there were many campaigns to encourage young people to vote and their…
Director on 1 January 2011. He was the Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Deputy Managing Director from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2010, and the Alternate Director to Dato' Goh Chye Keat from 1 September 2005 to 16 August 2006 and the Alternate Director to Dato' Goh Chye Koon from 16 August 2006 to 30 June 2008. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree from University of New South Wales, Australia in 1981. (IJM, 2014) 3.0 INDUSTRY ANALAYSIS Malaysian economy The head administrator,…