What is a Roman tribune? A Roman tribune is soldier who is selected by the citizens ,the Roman people in this case, to help protect the people from oppressive government leaders ,who would try to take the people 's rights ,and make sure the citizens upheld the laws the government made. Having a tribune kept an equal balance of equality to keep the people from attempting treason against their leaders and keeping the leaders from becoming dictators over the people and abusing their power. In order to become a Roman tribune you had to be a man over the age of twenty. No women were allowed during this century. Most soldiers were born in Rome ,and had to serve 25 years before they could retire and get married. Those who were not born of Roman citizenship were called auxilia soldiers. Auxilia soldiers were soldiers who were not born in Rome and wanted to become Roman citizens. They had to serve in the Roman military for 25 years ,like regular Romans born of Roman blood, in order to gain their citizenship. After a Roman retired the government gave him land to farm on and start his family. The Roman army 's training was very very difficult. They were expected to run 24 miles a day in all of their armor and carrying all their gear. They also learned many other skills such as cope with any injuries as a unit,swim,build bridges ,and many other skills. Most of the soldiers trained Martin 2 in more specific fighting styles such as archery or using the ballista or catapult. They would also…
As it was demonstrated in Figure 2, the peaks at 1703 and 1727 cm-1 in the MPS-comprising nanohybrids appeared, while the peak at 1745 cm-1 vanished. Through the formation of MPS-comprising nanohybrids, the observation of the new absorption bands (1707 and 1727 cm-1 ) concomitant of the absorption at 1733 cm-1 may be owing to the formation of ester groups through the reaction between carboxylic acid groups of PAA oligomers and silanol groups of silica moieties 12. Besides, in SiO2/PAA hybrids,…
the dominance of Great Britain and the United States of America in international politics. in spite of this rather conspiratorial view, Don Harlow of the US Esperanto Group-supported website ‘esperanto.org’ states, “Esperanto has not been rejected by the UN or EU. It hasn 't even been considered.” In truth, the UN hold internal reviews of their language problem, particularly with regard to the astonishing expenditure required to employ translators and interpreters in the UN. However, the reviews…
There have been many people that invented languages for many purposes. Esperanto is a universal language invented by Dr. Lejzer Ludwik Zamenhof in 1887 through a book called Lingvo Internacia. Dr. Zamenhof is a Russian physician who was seeking a cmmon denominator for different nationalities of the world to communicate with each other. Esperanto is considered international auxiliary language which intends not to replace ethnic languages but to serve as an additional, second language for all…
English is one of the most widely spoken languages, along with Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and French, respectively. There is no doubt that it has found its way into numerous countries. However, there is a difference between etymological mingling and lingual domination. I strongly disagree with the notion that everyone, in every country, should learn English. This suggestion seems almost barbaric and hateful. Globalizing English would demolish not only the history and culture of other…
For Lakatos, within a research program auxiliary hypotheses and their data are “bi-directional” in a hypothetico-deductive manner, while the auxiliary hypotheses are in the reciprocal logical connections with the hardcore theory. In other words, “the data follow (quasi-deductive) form the auxiliary hypotheses, and the auxiliary hypotheses from the core theory. In that sense, the data that support an auxiliary hypothesis is theory-laden within the larger context of the paradigm. However, in…
found around the setting such as the furniture. Once the scene had been set up, the protagonist is requested to select some of the group members to become the auxiliaries, although the selected group members might be declining e the request from the protagonist if they are unprepared to become the auxiliaries (Yehoshua & Chung, 2013). Next, the theme of the scene and the characters of each selected auxiliary are explained by the…
tumor that is no bigger than 2 cm long in the breast sac and a large group of cancer cells ranging from .2 to 2 mm in the lymph nodes “What is Breast Cancer”. Stage 1 is much more complex than stage 0, but for good reason because it is starting to spread to other regions than just the breast sac. The third stage is stage 2, which is also split into two categories, A and B. Stage 2A has three different criteria’s, first there is no tumor in the breast sac, but they are an abundance of cancer…
The reason why volunteers worked at auxiliary hospitals is because they were too old or too young to be part of a military hospital. In 1917 did the War Office decide there should be given a payment to some local doctors for all their efforts. The patients who had to come to an auxiliary hospital didn’t have life-threatening injuries, most of the time. When the War broke out, the Committee had to find suitable buildings trough more than 5000 offers of accommodation. The offers included town…
World War II changed both the types of work women would do and how challenging the work was. World War II provided various opportunities for women to apply for jobs that would have never been open to women before. Some major contributions that women gave America during World War Two is support, factory working, auxiliary forces and nursing. In this brutal war many soldiers would often lose faith and hope rather quickly. They would forget about everything they have to live for like their…