Aubrey Rattray-Wood (1894-1969) enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces (AIF) in February 1916, at age 21. , He spent more than three years overseas with the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company (ATC), seeing active service in Belgium and France at Hill 63 and Hill 60. Although his health was greatly affected, Aubrey survived and thrived post-war, always maintaining that his army years were a highlight of his life. Why Aubrey chose the Queensland city of Rockhampton to enlist, rather than his hometown of Melbourne, is unknown. Perhaps he was rejected in Melbourne and kept moving north. On the other hand, his appointment as a sapper in the 4th ATC could suggest a history of working in mines, possibly the flourishing Mt. Morgan gold mines…
accepted, others have been greatly disputed by other researches and historians of the time, the validity of his accounts and his strengths and weaknesses will be discussed in this essay. Paragraph one: - What did bean set out to do in his writings? Bean was concerned about how Australians would perform in battle. He saw World War One as the plain trial of national character. His approach was to accurately record and analyse what happened on the battlefields. Beans method was generally to…
I were awakened to sirens blistering in our ears. There was a note left on the table for us from Lincoln. “When you wake up meet me in Sector 7 -L”. We raced outside to see Marge in a panic. She came over to us with a horrified look on her face. “ There has been an attack from the Imperials. Bombs, guns, and missiles. I’m afraid to tell you that your parents. Your parents. Are dead.” And I’m lying on the gray, tile…
Woman’s group From 1960 to the early 1970s the influx of married women workers accounted for almost half of the increase in the total labor force, and working wives were staying on their jobs longer before starting families. The woman’s group is a group of women that work instead of men when men go to the war. Almost 400,000 women served the armed forces—a number that exceeded total male troop strength in 1939. During WWII, the role of women in the service and on the home front has expanded…
With the announcement of Prime Minister John Howard declared that Cabinet had commit troops to war with Iraq, questions arisen as to whether it is considered legal and valid for the government to be involve in the Australia’s armed force. Looking back at more than 100 years ago, it is evident that the Prime Ministers had been making decisions with regards to the deployment of troops were without Parliamentary approval. Before 1942, Australia’s war entitlement still lies with the Britain due to…
The Australian defence white papers play a fundamental role in the formation of Australian defence policy. Over the last decade there have been three defence papers released and is due to the increasing changes in power and defence around the world, however there is not much difference between 2013 and 2016 white papers. Essentially, there is very little change in Australian defence policy between the 2013 and 2016 defence white papers. This essay will compare the three key areas Australia has…
OUR NEW SUBS Early next year the competitive evaluation process (CEP) for Australia’s new submarine will come to an end and the company selected as best for our purposes will go on to the next stage. This is the design stage where all elements that make up the submarine and its equipment will be laid out. There will be input from Australian defence officials about our specific needs. When the design is complete, then we will move on to the construction phase. The three chosen ones asked to…
six states under one constitution. Currently, around ninety percent of all Australians are Caucasian, about eight percent are Asians, and two percent are Australian aborigines. Most Australians claim to have Anglo- Celtic heritage, but nobody really knows. Australia’s economy has continuously grown since the early nineteen hundreds, experiencing an average of four percent growth a year. That growth is possible because of natural resources flowing in and out of the Australian ports, bringing in…
initially different FE models proved to be very important to allow rapid and efficient exchange of data between all groups within the MDO process. Wing Contents Providing lift is the main function of the wings of an aircraft. The wings consist of two essential parts. The internal wing structure, consisting of spars, ribs and stringers, and the external wing, which is the skin. Ribs give the shape to the wing section, support the skin (prevent buckling) and act to prevent the fuel surging…
Independence is always a key component to self-learning and a way to become a protagonist. Once something becomes a problem, it is in our mind that we must fix the issue before it becomes even more of an issue. We must learn to overcome any obstacles that may arise when it comes to learning because it is necessary to overcome obstacles in our life as well. If it is hard to deal with stress, then it is most likely going to be hard to be motivated and complacency may settle in as it becomes easy…