Introduction Australian regulators have a range of roles and powers. Some are independent government bodies, whereas others perform functions in addition to their regulatory roles, such as providing policy advice to government departments and formulating regulation. It is not uncommon for practitioners to have to work with regulators in the course of advising clients. Outlined in this Guidance Note are some practice tips for dealing with regulators in general as well as dealing with selected regulators – the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Dealing with regulators in general Compliance culture ASIC’s…
Television news refers to advertising current events, whether it is local, national or international, easy and efficiently through the use of sound and visual elements. In the news you will discover segments which people find either important or entertaining, such as sports coverage, weather forecasts, finance updates and traffic reports. Due to there being different audiences, news networks report the same news they just tell it differently to fit the requirements of their selected target…
Children in today’s society need to be encouraged to watch less TV and use their imagination more. Kids are developing bad habits and with limits they won’t be prone to developing those habits.Young kids need good role models and it is their responsibility to make sure that if they decide to watch shows then they should be appropriate.Television is very harmful to children everywhere in the world and kids are suffering because of TV at a young age. Today in our society young kids ' enjoy…
comply may render the directors or connected persons , including shadow directors, liable to account for any profit or loss to the company. In Smithton Ltd v Naggar , Court ruled that the person cannot be a shadow director since he did not wear the hat of the subsidiary’s director for the protested acts. 5.0 Conclusion This research paper is meant to demonstrate the evolution of laws in relation to shadow directors’ liabilities. Courts are imposing on shadow directors the fiduciary duties…
transfer due to inside agreement and private operation. The cost of creating is inexpensive, the partnership needed only to apply for the Australian Business Number (ABN) and if it prefers to use the business…
ON THE TREATMENT OF CORPORATE GROUPS UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN LEGAL SYSTEM TABL 2741 – Business Entities On the Treatment of Corporate Groups under the Australian Legal System Summary: Built on thousands of years of tradition, the contemporary legal system is as thorough and complete as it has ever been. Despite this, corporations law has evolved much more recently and, though ever evolving, often struggles to keep pace with the corporate sphere it governs. A key example of this is with respect…
Professor Sharon Christensen and Professor Bill. (2012). lifting the joint venture veil: liability of related entities for misleading conduct of agents engaged by joint venture partners. DuncanAustralian Property Law Bulletin (newsletter), 2012: Volume 26 No 8. 5. Ramsay I and Noakes D. (2001). Piercing the Corporation Veil in Australia. company and securities law journal, 2001: Volume 19 No 250. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Australia Statute Law, s558v [ 2 ].…
The Commonwealth Bank has discredited by putting their thousands of customers money in to risky investments and the royal commission has accused their fraud, while they trying to cover it up. A senate committee also recommended the judicial inquiry as part of its report of the behavior of Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), that they appears to miss or ignore the early warning signs of Commonwealth Bank action and did not pay sufficient attention to that place the customers…
Act honestly responsible to duty 2. Knowing the issue and understand the company issue 3. Solve issue occurred and preventing company from incurring debts 4. The directors are preventing the company from insolvent trading. Corporations Act Part 9.4B provides for two types of penal consequences, civil penalties and criminal penalties. Two kinds of civil penalties are prescribed: a pecuniary penalty of up to $200,000 and/or an order banning a person from managing a corporation…
Majority principle”, in which the will of the majority of the members of the company should in general, prevails in the running of its business. For example if a majority does not want to take action, because the wrong doing director or directors control the majority votes, a minority of shareholders must show the facts fall within an exception to the rule in Foss v Harbottle. This is one of the most established principles in company law. There are three principles established in the case of…