Americans saw a drastic social change in the years immediately following World War II. Young women sought out help and support from major magazines, specifically Seventeen Magazine in the years 1946 and 1947. Both teenage girls and young women were the targeted audience, and though they were close in age, their social interactions and fashion senses were on separate ends of the spectrum. In a Seventeen ad. published in 1947- the company influences it’s audience to invest in their new “natural” makeup that men will love.Faults in the advertisement come in to play, as it insists that natural beauty is in fact not natural beauty at all, but foundation on the skin made to look flawless. In addition, the ad suggests that the reasons behind wearing makeup are to gain the opposite genders attention and to appeal to their liking. The ad raises the question: Why can’t women wear make up to feel good about themselves? And why isn’t natural beauty not defined as the natural skin women are given? After all shouldn 't a magazine, solely for women, praise them for who they are verses their appearance? Usually when women pick up a magazine, the intent behind it is to get ideas along the lines of fashion, make up and even relationships advice. But what are these women…
From 2011-2013, Seventeen Magazine, a popular teen/young adult magazine featured a host of popular female celebrities such as: Kendall and Kylie Jenner, Shaileene Woodley, Ariana Grande, as well as many other ABC family stars were featured wearing shirts with the word delete sprawled across them. The meaning behind these shirts and the whole campaign in general was to help spread awareness of cyberbullying as well as help combat it. The question I pose is, how affective/successful was this…
myself someone who grew up fast. A number of events contributed to this. In my education I was always the youngest of all my peers. That was because when I was little and living in mexico I begged my dad to let me go to school. When he convinced the teacher i was only there to observer. When the teacher noticed I was learning the material she decided to advance me. I am so glad i started school early when i can 't remember it so i can finish early when i do remember. This lead to me being…
There were a number of assumptions and trigger events that permitted conflict to escalate thought the movie. First of all, everyone in the movie is taking part in destructive conflict because no positive outcomes come about. These conflicts are destructive because everyone feels terrible when the Plastics insult them, Regina becomes more popular when Cady, Janis, and Damian first try to bring her down, and nothing moral will happen from Coach Carr sleeping with his students. Moreover, the…
For adults, it may seem as though adolescents live in a complicated, private world, and in some ways, they absolutely do. However, if we consume media created for and about adolescents we can learn some of the messages adolescents receive, and we can analyze the which messages are true and empowering and which messages are unfair, toxic and limiting. In the case of Edge of Seventeen, there is an important lesson about the pressures we put on young people to perform socially, academically, and as…
Seventeen: Freedom at Last Anna attempted a Foxtrot in her new baby blue shirt and white blouse with a ballerina butterfly brooch pinned to its collar and patent leather shoes. She dipped smoothly and spun around and surveyed her reflection in the mirror. She had not seen herself since Miss Muller's basement and the image that was reflected back made her gasp. She stared at her gaunt features and into her sunken dull blue eyes. Her knee-length pleated skirt loosely dangled from her emaciated…
I can use the Seventeen competencies as an example and guide to go by to make sure that I am doing things that I am supposed to do to encourage the development and the learning of children. Teachers are the instructional part of the classroom and the program. We need to plan on what the children are learning, and make sure we are guiding them and teaching them in a way so that they can learn. We need to make sure that we are assessing the child on what they are learning and producing an…
It probably wasn't the best idea to bother Woozi while he was laboring over the next album. However, everyone in Seventeen was worried. Well, not everyone. Woozi wasn't worried because he was the subject Seventeen was worried about. Woozi was working too hard. That was the problem plain and simple. He stayed up until the wee hours of the night to compose. Woozi would be considered a workaholic if he didn't love what he did for a living so much. Over and over this process continued. Finally,…
It was September 26, 2014, the night of the biggest high school football game in Albany, GA between Westover and Monroe. During my biology lecture class, my friend and I contemplated driving home for the game. I had not seen my sister cheer all last semester. I decided this would be the perfect time to surprise her. High school rivalry games are always great opportunities for returning alumni to meet up with old friends and flaunt themselves, usually in the latest styles, to make an impression…
Every ad that appears within a magazine always has some kind of purpose or intention for the readers. Most advertisements that are put in magazines are to persuade the readers of the magazine to want to buy the product being sold. A great amount of thought goes behind these ads to make it appealing to the eye and to control where the eyes move around the ad. In one particular magazine by the name of “Seventeen Magazine” the publishers first grab the readers attention by having Nina Dobret on the…