Ashley X: the battle of Growth attenuation Ashley X is nine years-old and is severely disabled due to a disorder called static encephalopathy. Because of this disability her brain is affected leaving her to be physically and cognitively impaired. Ashley’s mindset is the same as a 3-6-month-old baby. To treat her disease her parents decided to use a treatment that’s normally used to stimulate the growth of an individual called Growth Attenuation. Along with the growth attenuation, they decided to have a hysterectomy, estrogen therapy, and an appendectomy. This form of treatment to me is unethical, unnecessary and as a human her rights were violated. However, Gary L. Stein and Sandy walker would agree that this form of treatment has improved…
itself, rather than life of a certain quality with autonomy and dignity, were of ultimate value, then even defensive wars could never be fortified” (Steinbock 66p) “Ashley, called the “pillow angel” by her parents, suffers from a developmental brain condition known as static encephalopathy “(P Clark). When I did research about this case I find out the exact type of brain damage Ashley has. “Static encephalopathy - permanent brain damage or dysfunction. A lack of oxygen to the brain, such as…
for this report because the variety of articles incorporated opinions of doctors and parents which challenged my view. I was particularly interested in the controversy surrounding the ‘Ashley Treatment’ whereby her parents…
due to a condition called Hypercalcemia. Blue’s parents, after stumbling across the Ashley Treatment case, believe GAT will improve her life and are seeking permission to have her undergo the procedure. However, permission requires…
Shell shocked Silence permeated the room as I walked in, eyes full of disgust and acrimony followed me as I ambled to the defense stand or in my case the firing range. Everyone stood as his excellency walked to the podium, a stench of smoke cinders and 90s bar cologne gripped my nose and assaulted all my sense as he walked past. “Please rise, The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge John Smith presiding, everyone but the jury may be…
watching the paper but no one was there. So then Alicia and John had an argument and Alicia said that she was leaving. As they were arguing, Parcher told John to stop her from leaving and to end all of this. Then Alicia was confuse to who was John talking to and from that made her worried. Then Charles and Marcee was there as well and telling John to stop Alicia. From this it made John notice that Marcee was not real because she was not aging. As they we telling John to stop Alicia, she grab…
forward in life by giving them a reason to succeed. However, this love may cause some people to become so obsessed that they lose sight of what transpires as truly important to them in life. Different types of love, such as romantic, family, and career, blind people from seeing clearly in life, and being able to obtain their goals and true purpose. Love for significant others acts as one of the most powerful forces in the world - so powerful that it can defer people from their true destiny. In…
Water is in everything that we do. As you wake up in the morning one of the first things that you do is brush your teeth, another may be showering, or washing clothes that you plan on wearing that day. All of those daily activities are dependent on water. We as humans are completely and solely dependent on water as well. A human can survive only a very limited amount of time without water before our bodies begin to shut down. When it comes to surviving it is human nature to take care of…
communities need to prevent phosphor and nitrogen rich nutrients from entering the lake (Lake Atitlan 2015). In addition, Tule reeds and other wetland plants can mitigate the problem after being planted. While those are important to know, there are some more obvious ways of preventing further growth of the cyanobacteria. The Lake Atitlan towns need to stop pouring polluted water into the lake. Trash should be brought to the dump instead of washed into the water and pipes should not stream sewage…
people and the environment. THE PROCESSES. The government manages sewage which undergoes processes. This processes include, Intel works (screening), primary treatment (balance tanks), secondary treatment (the bioreactor), third stage (clarifiers) and the final stage (the bioreactor and disinfection). The lack of safe water and sanitation in cities leads to diseases and infection. Therefore, the wastewater treatment should be carried out. Everyday, everywhere toilets are flushing, washing…