This first came in the form of the American Standard Code for Information Interexchange (ASCII) which is a standard that assigns letters, numbers, and other characters within the 256 slots available in 8-bit code (Computer Hope, n.d.). Slots 0-31 were non-printable codes, 32-127 are considered Lower ASCII and this contains the older American systems. Then there is the Higher ASCII, codes 128-255 which is programable and is based on the language of your operating system, the program currently being used, or for foreign letters (Computer Hope, n.d.). As one may have guessed this system became very limiting very fast as the internet became an international tool and this system only has 256 character slots. Thus, a new system was established. This new system is the Unicode Standard developed by the Unicode Consortium (, 2015). The earliest updated version was released June of 2016, Unicode 9.0 sports a total of 1,114,112 code points (the same as a ‘slot’ in ASCII) with only 267,819 code points being used (BabelStone, 2016). This gives more than enough room to accommodate language variances including a multitude of oriental symbols and everyone’s favorite: the…
good film, everything. I’m helping my friend make youtube videos just because I love the art of framing a scene, even if it’s a teenager’s vlog. By now I assume you are wondering what on earth this has to do with a security internship at Amazon. Well roughly five months ago my computer stopped working; I picked it up during a Windows update, corrupting the installation. Suddenly I had a problem, about two hundred gigabytes of files were on the laptop hard drive. Now numbers like that can be…
Initial Goals: My initial goals for the program was to take in an equation like 5*(4/3+2^(3-1)) and return the answer to it (26.666667 in this case). I intended it to work with simple arithmetic (multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, exponents, and parentheses). My initial brainstorming resulted in an iterative action. The program would follow the order of operations and begin with the contents of innermost parentheses and replace that portion of the input with the answer before…
For most, email outreach isn’t just difficult—it’s embarrassing. Persuading a blogger, journalist, or influencer is not for the weak. You only have a few seconds to grab the person’s attention. That’s why crafting an effective outreach email is important. The goal is not to bore the recipient or waste her time. If you do, your pitch will never receive a response. Here are five reasons why your emails suck and how you can fix these issues: 1. No Introduction Too many outreach emails miss…
// // half_fit.c // Half-Fit // #include #include #include "half_fit.h" #include "type.h" #include "math.h" //unsigned char array[MAX_SIZE] __attribute__ ((section(".ARM.__at_0x10000000"), zero_init)); #define MEMORY 32768 #define BASE_ADDR (void*) 0x10000000 static header_free* buckets[11]; /* START Helper Functions */ // CEIL_32 Function U32 CEIL_32 (U32 value) { // Re-adjust value to round up (or ceil) to nearest multiple of 32 return ((value-1)/32 + 1) * 32; // (e.g.…
The video” I luh ya Papi” by Jennifer Lopez is about J Lopez who’s is getting different suggestions for her new video that she needs to shoot. This music video is different from the music videos that we habitually see in the music industry. This music video is different and has a powerful message for feminist audience.This video “I luh ya Papi” by J. Lopez is likely to successfully reach a feminist audience because Jennifer Lopez reverses the objection between the two gender which is usually…
world? Come work with us:] Become a trusted advisor At its core, being a mentor is being a trusted advisor (Qui-Gon Jinn to Obi-Wan Kenobi, he to Luke and Yoda to all who need advice). It involves making yourself available to support and advise someone when they need it, always keeping that person's best interests in mind. It’s imperative that you find your style for all of this. Trusted Advisors are authentic, genuine, real, individual people, who…
One of the issues that have been raised today with the advancement of science and technology is automatic license plate recognition. To do this, a system must be designed that can read the license plate by taking a picture of the car [1]. Automatic licence plate recognition aims to identify the license plate in a digital natural image in order to read the number and convert it into equivalent ASCII code. One of the most important parameters affecting the number plate recognition is the existence…
order to accommodate HIPPA requirements for 837I transaction standard on how data is transmitted during submission. Because of these changes CMS-1500 08/05 form was changed to CMS- 1500 02/12 to accommodate ICD-10 codes which was effective on October 1st, 2014 for all health plans. CMS-1500 02/12 allows facility’s to use ICD-10 codes as well as ICD-9 codes that provide scanable reading of QR codes which limit billing diagnosis codes that was previously in the old CMS 1500 08/05. CMS -1500…
Notice that the plus sign changes to a minus (-) sign. What type of frame is displayed? _159 bytes 1272 bits_ 0x806______________________________. e. The last two lines displayed in the middle section provide information about the data field of the frame. Notice that the data contains the source and destination IPv4 address information. What is the source IP address? What is the destination IP address?…