into the dangerous realm of international arms dealing. Despite the emphasis on theatrics and suspense, the film focuses heavily on the ethical dilemmas that Yuri faces as he builds a life derived from his amassed wealth. While his thoughts may be hard to fully decipher at any given point in the movie, the ethical dilemmas he faces and how he is seen handling them provide insight into his character. To better understand Yuri and the ethical issues he finds himself engulfed in, his choices, their ramifications, and the identity he aligns himself with will be discussed. In addition, my interpretation of ethics in the…
The ATT is a very modern treaty that outlines the legalities of arms trade amongst its state parties. Yet there are some controversial points that are written into the treaty. In Article VII, paragraph seven, focusing on the assessment and authorisation of exports from a state party. It states that “If, after an authorization has been granted, an exporting State Party becomes aware of new relevant information, it is encouraged to reassess the authorization” (Arms Trade Treaty, 2013). This is…
Both bodies are meant to give off a strong and youthful vibe. The sculptor stylized the rigid body of the pharaoh to show strength and power. Mycerinus’ shoulders are extremely broad and rigid, on either side of his body his arms lay evenly straight against his body. His arm muscles are clearly indented at the varying muscles and creases. The shoulder muscles bulge out sideways, while the elbow crease is clearly marked. Mycerinus hands are tightly clenched against his body, while his bottom…
to feel the burning eyes of the various doctors in the room watching me, but the sight of the syringe with a large needle in the short grumpy old nurses hand makes me feel very unsettled. "You will only feel a slight pinch in your arm okay." Said the nurse while she grabs my upper arm and tries to find the dot she drew on my arm earlier camouflaged in the faint freckles up and down my arm. I take a deep breath as she brings the syringe , filled with the "magical" bring purple serum, closer and…
This paper introduces the portion of the lower arm called the forearm. The two bones contained within the forearm are described in detail, briefly mentioning their relation to one another. The relevant names and descriptions are depicted of the common bone breaks, dislocations, and the process of acquiring radiographic images in order to identify such forearm trauma. It is pertinent to always get a little more than just the injured bone in the x-ray to rule out something significant just past…
Most of the beginning arms and achievements included a version of the national cross (Znamierowski, 14-15), indicating the influence of the Catholic Church over medieval society, as well as the religious motivation of liberating the Holy Land connected with the Crusades in the minds of the medieval people. Another of the most common inclusions in an achievement was something that indicated the grantee’s name, such as arrows or indications of archery for the surname Fletcher, horses for Trotter,…
efficiency, quality, and safety in all aspects of manufacturing and assembly. They have the ability to pick up single or multiple objects and place them anywhere within their reach, weld simple and complex parts together, and use sensors to inspect material or parts at any point in the manufacturing process. Although robotic arms and automation are a newer technology, both are taking the manufacturing industry by storm. Unskilled laborers are being replaced with safer and more reliable robots. A…
“A man who lives correctly, following the ideals of honor, courage and endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful, and always painful.” It is blatantly apparent that Henry, the protagonist of A Farewell to Arms, did not exemplify any of these traits at all in the beginning of the novel. However, as the book progressed, Henry gradually learned how to be a “Hemingway Hero”, and he eventually progressed to the point where he completely embodied all that is expected of such. It…
Keep it the Heming-Way “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” - Ernest Hemingway It has been brought to my attention that the English Department is questioning the importance of teaching about Ernest Hemingway, who they say is a “simplistic” writer. A Farewell to Arms is an example of a novel Hemingway wrote which mirrors his life and many of his own experiences during the time he spent in World War I. He is familiar with the settings of his novels…
for this surgery. He is anxious to get back into the war. Frederic demands to speak to another doctor, named Dr. Valentini. He allows Frederic to have surgery the next morning. He says, “To-morrow morning. Not before” (Hemingway 99). The surgery is successful and Frederic becomes happy. Frederic’s behavior changes immediately after his injury. Before his injury, Frederic was much more naive and unaware of what could really happen to him. On page 37, Frederic says, “Well, I knew I would not be…