Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was an ordained priest, educator, and composer who was considered one of the greatest and most influential classical musicians during his time, as well as, a rebirth of sorts during the 1950s. Vivaldi was a composer, who unlike any other has the historical significance of experiencing a resurgence of his music making him popular in two different eras (picture 8). Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678, in Venice, Italy to Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and Camilla Calicchio (biography 1). Giovanni, Antonio’s father, was a professional violinist who taught his son to play the instrument at a very young age. Antonio came to know some of the finest musicians and composers of Venice because of his father and learned some valuable lessons of instruction from these amazing artists. Because money was scarce in the family, Vivaldi felt pressured to become a priest. In those days, going into seminary school was ultimately the only way a poor family had to ensure free…
Antonio Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice in 1678 during the Baroque era. He was a violinist, teacher and cleric and is today recognized as one of the greatest baroque composers of all time. Many of Vivaldi’s works were written for a female music ensemble at Ospedale della Pietà, an orphanage where he worked at as a priest for 39 years of his life. Part of Vivaldi’s works included 12 sonatas that he wrote for violin and basso continuo. These works would have been performed by small…
Antonio Vivaldi was an Italian composer born in Venice, Italy. He was the oldest sibling of nine children. In 1703, Vivaldi was ordained to the priesthood and because he had a red hair, he was well known as the red hair priest. He was trained to play violin from his father, Giovanni Battista Vivaldi . Giovanni was a violinist and prior to that, he was a barber. Vivaldi and his father played a duet while they were touring around Venice. As a child prodigy, he appeared in the public in 1696. …
Violin Concerto in F Minor by Vivaldi In the year 1720 a composer named Antonio Vivaldi created what is known as one of his greatest master pieces: The Four Seasons. It’s a concerto about, as the title suggests, the four seasons of the year. He wrote them to accompany poems about the seasons. The section of the concerto known as Winter, or “L'inverno" is the piece this paper focuses on. “L’inverno” is played with strings. Meaning it has violins, violas, and cello. Accompanying these strings…
Despite all of his achievements, Vivaldi is best known for four concertos collectively known as The Four Seasons (Le Quattro Stagiorni). Paul Everett says the following: “For many people, the very name ‘Vivaldi’ is synonymous with The Four Seasons, to the exclusion of all else.” (Everett, xi). Being perhaps the most popular and frequently performed works of Vivaldi, The Four Seasons are a highlight in the history of program music. (Everett, xi) This work, taken from Op. 8, a collection of…
The Musical Career of Antonio Vivaldi On March 4th, 1648, Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice, Italy. His father, a violinist for St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice, made sure his son received impeccable training in music during his first years of life. Young Antonio was brought up trained in playing the violin, playing the harpsichord, and as a priest in Venice (“Antonio”; “Classical Net”). 1703 was a pivotal year for Antonio Vivaldi. He was ordained into the priesthood and began working at Pio…
Both Arcangelo and Johann Sebastian Bach were both major baroque composers. Arcangelo Corelli, an Italian composer, and celebrated violinist, was born in Fusignano, Italy on February 17, 1653. He was the fifth child of prosperous landowners, Arcangelo Correli and Santa Raffini. His father died before he was born. There is not much information about his early life, however, his instrumental works established the chamber music style and form of the late baroque era. “At the age of 13, Arcangelo…
Jean-Baptiste Lully Jean-Baptiste Lully is known as a very important prolific composer and the creator of French Opera. He is considered by many the chief master of the French baroque style. Although Italian born, Lully flourished in France. His work is very significant to French culture and history. Throughout the majority of his life he made an impact. These impacts can be seen through his childhood and growing years, his works and musical compositions, and his influence on future composers…
Concerts Across Time Some would say “they don’t make music like they use to”. What is the era of music are they referring to? Each person has a different view of what they refer to as the “Golden Age” of music. Music has certainly evolved from the Baroque period but after centuries of music development there is nothing wrong with sticking to the fundamentals that inspired musicians and composers for generations. In my Concerts Across Time paper I will be discussing the differences and…
The first excerpt I have chosen is “Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson one of the world’s most popular artist. In this excerpt Michael excites the crowd with his extraordinary dances moves. The music is very upbeat and the beat pretty much stays the same throughout the song. The second excerpt I found was a performance of “It’s Gonna Be Me” by NSync. In this excerpt you can hear the crowd screaming as soon as the group hits the stage. This excerpt you see a boy group singing and doing a…